Reamer manufacturers

Makes me want to send my reamers to Dave Manson to be fixed.


Dave does a great job of re grinding old or damaged reamers at a very good price, and his customer
service is second to none.

We bough some miscellaneous reamers in an estate sail and sent them to Dave for a re grind and they are as good as new.

I have bought a custom 223 from Manson and a custom 6mmBR from JGS, but mostly I get off the shelf reamers from Brownells.

Normally i am the task leader in any phone conversation, but Dave Manson can beat me to that role.
He is a no B.S., get to the point, stay on task, understand everything kind of guy.
JGS makes awesome reamers. I got rid of all my PTG reamers and ordered up new JGS ones a while back. If a guy was to chamber a barrel with a PTG and one with a JGS you can instantly tell with the naked eye which reamer chambered which due to the finish left. JGS customer service is excellent whereas PTG has none in my opinion. JGS is 205 bucks shipped for a reamer and 4-6 week turnaround time. Also when I spec a custom reamer to JGS I get it as spec'd.

Ryan Pierce
Piercision Rifles
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