Post #1- Swaro rangefinder starting to let me down


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2007
Walhalla, ND
What is the expected "life" of a rangefinder? It seems that my Swaro 1500 is getting worse and worse at reading LR targets. It seems that spots that I used to get repeatable readings to no longer give a reading. Do they "wear out" ? Can they be serviced? I was watching a doe cross the river a ways away and all of a sudden my kids said that the doe was being attacked !! Not believing them, I swung the spotting scope over just in time to see the doe give one of the cyotes a swift kick...sent them running. BUT..I knew that they would be back. I quickly set up my rifle and then tried to get a range. NOTHING. I swung over about 100 yards to a nearby river bank that I used to get a reading off of....NOTHING. Tried the hill behind the doe..NOTHING!! I tried severl more times..untill the yotes started to head back to the doe. I figured 1200 yards and doped 7 MOA wind and waited for them to quit moving. Missed 1 moa high and needed 1 MOA more wind. I guess knowing the distance wouldn't matter because i missed due to wind, but the wind isn't always blowing that hard. I HATE not being able to get a range!!

See POST 2...Vectronix vs Swaro
The Swaro repair program is awesome. Call them for their procedure and they will rebuild or replace it. I have done this and have never been charged a dime. But it still is not even close to the same league as a Vectronix.:)

The Swaro repair program is awesome. Call them for their procedure and they will rebuild or replace it. I have done this and have never been charged a dime. But it still is not even close to the same league as a Vectronix.:)


Thanks Broz. I think after deer season I will send it in. At least , if I decide to get the Vectronix, I can sell this for a fair price and with a clear consceince.
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