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Nosler ABLR Testing

Bob, what is the twist on your 7mm RM? Marginal stability could have them opening more than expected, but that is a big increase.
8.5 twist.
The 180 Bergers shoot excellent to 1000. I tried the 175 Nosler and it was a huge UGLY surprise 7-8" lower than predicted with Strelok. With 168 SMK they are ragged holes at 100 with just a bottom end powder load that I did a quick test with.
I could have a bad batch of Noslers and an incorrect BC. Don't know if I'm continuing on with it.
Top pic is 200 sight in, cold clean, then 2 touching
Cardboard target drop test with 200 yard zero. 600 yard shots. The drops in inches included.
The left group is 5 rounds of 168 SMK'S at 100 just checking a bottom end charge of RE23 at 2850 fps.


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8.5 twist.
The 180 Bergers shoot excellent to 1000. I tried the 175 Nosler and it was a huge UGLY surprise 7-8" lower than predicted with Strelok. With 168 SMK they are ragged holes at 100 with just a bottom end powder load that I did a quick test with.
I could have a bad batch of Noslers and an incorrect BC. Don't know if I'm continuing on with it.

Crazy...maybe something was off with the batch? As far as the BC, there is an article here somewhere by Brian Litz showing how Nosler inflated the values and he shows the actual values which are lower

So many good Bullets out there to worry about ABLR's
Crazy...maybe something was off with the batch? As far as the BC, there is an article here somewhere by Brian Litz showing how Nosler inflated the values and he shows the actual values which are lower

So many good Bullets out there to worry about ABLR's
Did you see my edit/add photos above? Its ugly.....then rays of sunshine on different bullets.
Brian Litz info ,

I think the ABLR has the potential to be a great bullet in cartridges of medium velocity; i.e. 260 Rem, 6.5CM, 6.5 Grendel. I've just not had great accuracy from them. But I've only been jumping them between .010 - .030. Maybe I need to increase the jump and try again.
I know you need to jump them further. I used up a fair few bullets to find that they prefer a long jump. Try seating them 120 thou out and wiggle your powder to best suit. I think this is down to how Nosler design their ogive as I've found the same thing with Custom Comps and RDFs.

With the 142gn bullet, the 6.5 SAUM has more velocity at 250m than a 260 Rem/6.5 Creed has at the muzzle. The range for the Grendel is even further (and Grendels work better with 100gn bullets IMHO).
I know you need to jump them further. I used up a fair few bullets to find that they prefer a long jump. Try seating them 120 thou out and wiggle your powder to best suit. I think this is down to how Nosler design their ogive as I've found the same thing with Custom Comps and RDFs.

With the 142gn bullet, the 6.5 SAUM has more velocity at 250m than a 260 Rem/6.5 Creed has at the muzzle. The range for the Grendel is even further (and Grendels work better with 100gn bullets IMHO).

I am using the 129 in the Grendel & 260. I'm getting acceptable velocities in the Grendel and good velocities in the 260. The Grendel is an AR with a 20" barrel and the 260 is a lightweight mountain rifle with a 22" barrel.

Since the expansion threshold is so low on the ABLR that's why i'm trying to tune it for those calibers.
Well tried 7 diff loads (five rounds each) with the 142's and could not get a group under 1 1/4".
Using RL 16 and .092 jump.
Already slightly compressed, should I try seating deeper for longer jump?

My pet load is with RL 16 and Eldx 143. Consistent sub moa just don't like the performance at closer range.
Does anyone have any experience with Barnes 127gr LRX?
At what max range will they get decent expansion and hows accurate?
Nosler suggest .050 jump for the lrab....but at what velocity...?...
My buddy shoots them in his 24" rifle jammed..with mag primers..BUT....2890fps.... [email protected] 54gr....lapua brass....
I been loading in my new 65284 26" proof...53.5gr RL26...2995fps...
1" 100yd.....just sub moa at 400yd....less than 20 es...around 10 sd......
Not overly enthused...but working on it.....some of my moa could be me leading to shoot. 4 degree rising stock.....definitely different....
The ABLR is the worst bullet I have ever tried. The jackets are extremely thin and I found it hard to get consistent seating depths. The BC when the came out was so optimistic that I felt Nosler should have been fined for false advertising. I would get unexplained fliers in a group- 4 into .5 and then one an inch out. Oh, did I mention the BC was off by like .075???

I have tried pretty much everything in my 6.5-284s and 260 AI. For under 500 yards I use the 140 Sierra game king and for long range, I use the 143 ELD-X. Extremely reliable and shoots .3 MOA out to 800 meters (longest I have shot groups).
Come on can't be this bad.


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Well tried 7 diff loads (five rounds each) with the 142's and could not get a group under 1 1/4".
Using RL 16 and .092 jump.
Already slightly compressed, should I try seating deeper for longer jump?

My pet load is with RL 16 and Eldx 143. Consistent sub moa just don't like the performance at closer range.
Does anyone have any experience with Barnes 127gr LRX?
At what max range will they get decent expansion and hows accurate?
More jump. Go straight to 120 thou jump.
Don't get hung up with being close to the lands. Load them to what Nosler says for COAL then go from there and yes they like jump.
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