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Nosler ABLR Testing

Ok, I will load up a few more with the load that looked like it had the most potential but with .120 jump. Was Just hoping to be able to go longer as they are already slightly compressed.
Thanks for the advice.
Everything that I have seen from Nosler is to seat them at max OACL which is 2.80 which puts me at the 0.092 jump..?
Everything that I have seen from Nosler is to seat them at max OACL which is 2.80 which puts me at the 0.092 jump..?

is this from a reloading manual ?

I'll guess the 2.800" is the saami spec . nosler has no way of knowing how long your throat is in this rifle . you'll have to set them at your desired length , regardless of what the nosler suggested COAL is .
And yes from manual but that is typical except for Barnes recommending 2.72 OACL and with RL 16 that is very compressed with RL's load data.
Yes I am working up slowly with RL16.
So i went out and tested my own loads...
65284 Lapua(actually Norma..but I like lapua on this one)..
Rem..sendero lite 26"(no brake)...
142lrab... 3.120 oal.. 2.500" cbto....
Lapua brass(new)...fed GM 210(original load) & fed GM 215
RL 26....53.0... 0509201525.jpg 53.2....0509201526.jpg & 53.5gr(same as 210 loads)...0509201528.jpg
Guess I have a game plan change I need to reshoot......
Nosler actually has load guidance on their ABLR page for max COAL that states maximum SAAMI yield best results. I can say that the 168 ABLR in my 300WSM shot way better at 2.86 and than it did 0.010 off lands so maybe its an inherent aspect of their bullet that may prove to be better at COAL than closer to lans in some rifles. My thoughts would be to not discount it and if the ABLR doesn't shoot as well as you hoped, try their recommendation.

Link: Nosler ABLR

*When loading the AccuBond®-LR bullet, Nosler ballisticians have found that loading to the maximum SAAMI cartridge overall length tends to provide best accuracy.
Well gave up on the ABLR .
Tried all the way out to .120 jump and nothing under 1 1/4 in group at 100yd.
Loaded up some Barnes LRX ( kinda been wanting to try a mono) and shot my best 5 shot group ever!
Half MOA with kimber Mtn accent 6.5 cm. Total gun wt. Just at 7lb ready to hunt . any one have pics or experience with Barnes LRX and how well they hold up to close hits and how well expand at distance?
Thanks for all the advice.
5 shots , this out does my previous Eldx loads. :)
At 90 yards this doe was flattened by a 7mm 145 LRX. Heart and part of the lungs destroyed. Off shoulder heavy bone was destroyed and a Quarter sized exit. 3050 fps muzzle velocity. Normally these bullets will never be found to recover unless its a longer range shot. That's what I dont have yet, where velocity is slowing. I believe Barnes does have photos. Might dig into that.
Accuracy is very good in this rifle for a hunting bullet.


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I went to rock pit today to check my load with the mag primers...
Reset zero at 100yds....backed out to 400yd...
Had significant mirage from across the ground...very slight movement of mirage due to wind....say say 1-2mph wind...
after first round of three about 6" high... readjusted fps to match strelok drop....
Shot 2 groups of three...
2" vertical x 4" horizontal......
2.25" V x 3.5"H....
I am okay with the vertical for now....but really have to catch my cheek placement on my iota stock....narrow...feel as though I slide over vertical on the stock...always checking shadow lines in the scope..start back and slide forwards....
But the lrab are shooting well.....i am sure the more time beside the stock the tighter they will get....
Trying to decide if i want to make some kind of witness mark on the stock to keep a set point....much like a kisser button on bow string......
No, the guy was complaining about noslers and I was just showing another elk I shot with another brand. There is failures in all brands.

I wasn't talking about the terminal performance but rather the false BC claims and ultra thin jacket that made seating more tedious than normal. In fairness, I never shot anything but paper and steel with them. I suspect they have a very favorable velocity window for long range but they are made of paper mache!
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