Nikon monarch


Mar 29, 2002
Anyone have any experience with the Nikon Monarch 6.5-20x40 with the illuminated mildot reticle or somthing close to it. Am looking for a new scope for my Rem VS in .308 and am considering this or a Leupold 4.5-14x50 illuminated mildot reticle. Any thoughts?
I have had a couple of illuminated Nikon scopes for some time now, can describe the system for you. Very simply this is the only illumination system that offers a choice of two colors, either red or green in various intensities ( I think). Simply crank a dial on top of the eyepiece, one way your get reds the other way you get greens. Have the new one with mildots, works bang-on at 12x. The newest ones also have an adjustable (focusing European-style) eyepiece plus paralax adj. on the objective. There are times when green shows up better than red and vice-versa.

The scope has 1/8 minute adjustments so it will poop out on you if you do not use sloped bases - other than that it is a beautiful scope, sharp and crisp, bright and good adjustment turrets. Batgtery fits inside the illumination dial.

Have not used the Leupold illuminated, perhaps someone else here has.
Good luck buying your new scope.
Interesting. I have the Nikon 4-12x40 on a 308win, not illuminated but just wanted to add that it's very clear and the only complaint is the paralax free location doesn't match the yardage even close on the objective. At 300yds it has to be set at nearly 1000yds and at anything farther out it needs to be set to infinity. At 700yds some, just a little, paralax is creeping back in as well.
Nikon plans on shipping their new tactical-LR scopes in August - they are going to be interesting for the shooting we do. No parallax problems as they have a side turret for that. Quite a bit more money than the Monarchs but way more scope.
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