Nikon Monarch

May 22, 2003
Bolton, Ontario,Canada
Can anyone, who owns Nikon Monarch ATB 10x42 or 8x42 Binoculars tell me: are they good ?
I can’t afford Zeiss or Swarovski or Kahles, which cost more then $000, and I can’t afford any really cheap ones.
Most I can spend now is around $300.00

Please make some comments on others (in league of Nikon Monarch) as well.

I have a pair of Nikon Action III 7360 (7-15x35) binoculars which I like a lot. They have lots of eye relief and a good clear picture. I can see the whole field of view with my glasses on even when on 15X.

Quick central focusing
Sharp multicoated optics for superb contrast and vivid color
BaK4 high index prisms
Diopter adjustment for strain-free viewing

Did a search on the web and they come up for anywhere from $125 to $180.

Have used Monarchs for years, they are excellent binos and probably one of the best values for the $. Also use their high-dollar model (Venture's)and not a huge difference a lot of the time.
Wouldn't hesitate to buy Monarchs. Good luck with your selection.
Have used Monarchs for years, they are excellent binos and probably one of the best values for the $. Also use their high-dollar model (Venture's)and not a huge difference a lot of the time.
Wouldn't hesitate to buy Monarchs. Good luck with your selection.
I've just got it.
I've got a really good deal on them.
While I played with Nikon Monarch, salesman showed me a new Pentax Bino's 8x42 or 8x43, do not remember, but they were great, just bit too expansive for me.He said the have special coating agains sun glare, best in its class ??, maybe
Tonight, I am going to test it at low light condition, see how they do.

Thanks for your comments
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