Nightforce Sneak Peek


Official LRH Sponsor
Jun 8, 2004
Here is a sneak peek at what is coming down the pike from Nightforce. This is an email that we got from Nightforce.

Nightforce Optics has new features that we will introduce at SHOT Show. While these features will be officially introduced at 2010 SHOT Show, they will not be available for delivery until May, 2010. We also anticipate a product line price increase within the same time frame of May, 2010.

The new features are described in detail in the attachments above. These new features are a direct result of listening to the end-user’s requests.

• New Hi-Speed Adjustments: Adjustments designed to double the speed of the current elevation and windage adjustment values in the NXS 15x, 22x, 32x, and 42x riflescope models. These adjustments will include both the MOA and Mil-Radian based value adjustments.
• New .125 MOA (1/8 MOA) Adjustments: For the NXS 8-32x and 12-42x riflescope models
• New V Series Reticles: Ballistic reticles designed for shooting out to 1000 yards - with 5 mph windage holds. There will be various V reticle designations for a host of cartridges. These will be available in the NXS 15x, 22x, 32x, and 42x riflescope models.

Here are the flyers:


For more Shot Show News click this link. SHOT SHOW 2010 Breaking News

Mike @ CS
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New Hi-Speed Adjustments and .125 moa are exciting to hear they are coming.
CS GunWorks - I heard NF has an across the board price increase coming in May. Is that true?

Approximate percent increase?
If the high speed turret now has 20 MOA per turn instead of just 10 MOA then the turret gearing must be only half what it was before.

I would think that this must have an adverse effect on the fine accuracy of the turret adjustments?

Nightforce use to promote this fine turret adjustment as part of their marketing. They said that it was so fine that it had to be assembled by hand.

Maybe this hand fitting just got too expensive to manufacture and they are now just cutting costs? If this is so then it is a sad thing.
If the high speed turret now has 20 MOA per turn instead of just 10 MOA then the turret gearing must be only half what it was before.

I would think that this must have an adverse effect on the fine accuracy of the turret adjustments?

This is my concern. One of the things I like most about my NF's is the positive clicks of the turret. If the new one starts tp feel like the Lupys or some of the others I will not like it.

That being said I have much confidence in NF and I look forward to turning one of the new turrets and will see then.

Interesting stuff, I hope the quality holds up. With this price increase they will be pushing Schmidt and Bender's prices pretty hard. They're already close to US Optics..
CS GunWorks - I heard NF has an across the board price increase coming in May. Is that true?

Approximate percent increase?

This is true. I have not gotten the price up date yet but I will get it when I'm at SHOT SHOW.

Mike @ CST
If the high speed turret now has 20 MOA per turn instead of just 10 MOA then the turret gearing must be only half what it was before.

I would think that this must have an adverse effect on the fine accuracy of the turret adjustments?

Nightforce use to promote this fine turret adjustment as part of their marketing. They said that it was so fine that it had to be assembled by hand.

Maybe this hand fitting just got too expensive to manufacture and they are now just cutting costs? If this is so then it is a sad thing.

When ever Nightforce comes out with something they do it right. We have been talking to them for 3 to 4 years about coming out with more elevation in one turn. I have the utmost confidence in them to make it right with out losing anything.

Mike @ CS
Interesting stuff, I hope the quality holds up. With this price increase they will be pushing Schmidt and Bender's prices pretty hard. They're already close to US Optics..

This is true but USO and S&B will be going up in price also.

Mike @ CST
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