New lightweight rig need glass

Leupold VX5 3-15 22oz on my scale. You save some money and it's a great scope.

I have one of these on a 308 AR. The goal was "lightweight" for an AR anyway (DPMS G2). Absolutely love the scope. I run a Zeiss HD5 3-15 on my 280. I will say after running both rigs this hunting season, the Zeiss will be getting replaced with a VX5. Better glass and the FOV is night and day difference. To me, the Zeiss makes me feel like I'm looking through a tunnel compared to the VX5.

My VX5 holds zero, and the dials actually work like they're suppose to. They're not Nightforce knobs, but they work for the intended purpose.
My research shows NX8 at 30oz vs March at 24.5oz. That's with 50mm on NX8 and 52mm on March.
If your want to split hairs, it's 28.6 v 24.5. I have both. I think the NX8 is actually a little brighter, not sure the 2mm difference in the objective is meaningful. FWIW, I use the March scopes on my hunting rigs and the NF more for competition. My point, based on the op's post that he was partial to NF, was that the NX8 isn't so massive as the ATACRs and NXS and was in the same weight class. Both are very good scopes, just depends on what features/compromises you prefer.
Lightest weight of them all and repeatable, oh also cost effective!
I have two VX5HD's and a VX6HD on three of my rifles and have had no issues. I have Nightforce on everything else. I just picked up a Swaro x5i but have not mounted it yet. You are correct it is on the heavy side but wow it has great glass. The only person that can make that decision is you. If your not happy and confident in your set-up you will always have that little doubt in your mind. Put a sccope on it that you can feel 100% confident in, even if its a few ounces more its worth it! Good luck and let us know what you decide on.
Way tooo many options, the way I look at it: it's your gun, your scope you carry it. All are not created the same , all eye's are not the same, need to view them all and make a final decision. It's your money not mine. Take your time choosing the one you want and good luck on your decision.
I am a big Nightforce fan and have 4 of them. However last year needed to cut some weight on my main hunting rifle and didn't want to sacrifice quality and reliability, I went with the March 2.5-25x52 and so far I love it. I had the 2.5-20 NX8 sitting on my bench to mount up on a friends rifle to compare with my March. I like the march much better. I also have a Zeiss V4 on my son"s rifle and that has been a fantastic optic so far, no trouble with tracking or returning to zero. I have owed and still own several Leupold's in all flavors and I have never had a problem with them. I would rock the Zeiss unless your budget can justify another scope. Cheers and best of luck, Jason
I literally just sent my new Leupold VX6HD back. Would not hold zero. They paid for shipping. I purchased it thru Eurooptic as a demo. It didn't have optical zero or hold zero. It happens, problems arise. I've always had great history with Leupold and customer service, so i use them always.

My history; police sniper nearly 17 years, mounted or zeroed 100+ scopes for friends, dept or mine. Always use torque wrench and locktite. It was a brand new Christensen Arms MPR in 300WM. On paper at 50, move to 100; 1 on 2 miss. Repeat, same results. So I mounted another scope to eliminate the possibility it was the new rifle. Shot moa at 100 and 200 yards, not the rifle. And yes, during the break in, I was concerned I couldn't get a group but the break in was very I important. My plan is to use it for a bear hunt in May
Last fall I put a Leupold VX5 HD Scope 3-15 x44 Cd Z12 Matte 30mm tube on my new 300 Weatherby Mark V Accumark. I ordered the CD Custom Dial and have been shooting this out to 600m so far with outstanding results. I used this combination out west last year with 150 TSX handloads going 3400fps. Not a full power load (2.2 gr. under max. of H-4831SC) but very accurate. Dropped 2 deer with it both dropping right there. So far I am really pleased with the Scope and Rifle combination. The scope is very clear and I can see bullet holes a long way out. I don't remember if I can see bullet holes at 600m with the new scope. I'll have to check next time out.
My old 1972 German made 300 Weatherby is getting a rest from the heavy lifting it has done over the years.
Last fall I put a Leupold VX5 HD Scope 3-15 x44 Cd Z12 Matte 30mm tube on my new 300 Weatherby Mark V Accumark. I ordered the CD Custom Dial and have been shooting this out to 600m so far with outstanding results. I used this combination out west last year with 150 TSX handloads going 3400fps. Not a full power load (2.2 gr. under max. of H-4831SC) but very accurate. Dropped 2 deer with it both dropping right there. So far I am really pleased with the Scope and Rifle combination. The scope is very clear and I can see bullet holes a long way out. I don't remember if I can see bullet holes at 600m with the new scope. I'll have to check next time out.
My old 1972 German made 300 Weatherby is getting a rest from the heavy lifting it has done over the years.

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