Need .264 Win Mag Help

OK.. Started with 69 grs of Rel 33. 24" Bbl 1/8 twist Very mild... Worked up to 75 grs which produced 3455 fps with the 121gr Hammer . Easy extraction without the slightest sign of pressure. 74grs showed 3419 fps. Decided to stay with the 74 gr load. Started with two new cases. Fired a total of 14 rounds ( 7 times each case ) working up the load & shooting targets. Primer pockets stayed snug/tight. Target, 4 shots at 108 yds. At 235 yds on my range . shot almost as tight. To much snow to slog threw for me to use my 522 td range. My test tell me Rel 33 is a fantastic powder with the 264 mag. Retumbo , I have found to be be the fastest acceptable. H-1000 to fast with any bullet heavier than 100 gr in the 264. Rel 26 although a good powder is to fast for this size of case
I've got a 264 WM Model 70 Super Grade ordered and I'm going to try your RL33 load with 121 Hammers. I didn't get the velocity/accuracy combo I wanted with RL26 in one of my other 264s with the Hammers! It shot good to just under 3300 then accuracy started falling apart as velocities got higher!
I believe you you will find Rel 33 to be a great powder in the 264 mag. with just about any bullet from 120 gr & up. You might note I no longer live in Colorado. My son has a good size spread in W. Montana & he invited me & the Wife to move here. So sold the old place in Colorado & now reside in W. Montana. Still haven't got my stuff unpacked & haven't fired a shot here as of yet. Maybe a couple more weeks. Feel free to keep in touch.
I use h870 in mine and it shoots awesome but it's not made any more .I want to try reloader 25 it works awesome in my 338-378 weatherby .Hope you find a good load .
I'm gonna work up loads with RL33 and Retumbo and may try RL23, as well......Steve suggested RL23 with the 121s on his forum!
That R23 will work well with the 120g bullets. I had spotty results with Retumbo and anything lighter than 130g. I haven't had a chance to try R33 much more than just a preliminary pressure ladder with 140g Berger Hybrids.
I believe you you will find Rel 33 to be a great powder in the 264 mag. with just about any bullet from 120 gr & up. You might note I no longer live in Colorado. My son has a good size spread in W. Montana & he invited me & the Wife to move here. So sold the old place in Colorado & now reside in W. Montana. Still haven't got my stuff unpacked & haven't fired a shot here as of yet. Maybe a couple more weeks. Feel free to keep in touch.
I know rl33 is temp sensitive......what velocity swings have you seen at different temps?
When I have done chronographing of my Rel 33 loads, also most all my chronograph testing has been in the cool off the motning. Between 35 to 50 deg. Deer & elk I have taken has at times been in bitter cold conditions. Like single digits. It always worked flawlessly. Never let me down or ever showed any sign of lacking performance. I have absolute faith in Rel 33 & will continue to load it in my 264. If it ever gave me reason for concern I would have switched long before now. Been using it fora longtime now. Never any suprises.
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I do not yet have much time behind my 264 Mag. 25" Hart barrel 1-8 twist.
I'm using 67 gr. of H-1000 , Winchester brass, Fed mag primers pushing 143 EDL-X. @ around 3100 fps.
Mirage was terrible, and barrel is still less than 70 rounds. Will be working with seating depth next started .015 off. Accuracy has been decent out to 500 yards.
Considering trying different load being that H-1000 is like trying to find buffalo.
Another great Powder in the 264 mag is VV24N41. One tick slower burning than N570. Gives me a consistent 3222fps with the Nosler 140gr AB out of the 26" Bbl of my Win 70 EW. Powder Valley most of the time has some in.
When I have done chronographing of my Rel 33 loads, also most all my chronograph testing has been in the cool off the motning. Between 35 to 50 deg. Deer & elk I have taken has at times been in bitter cold conditions. Like single digits. It always worked flawlessly. Never let me down or ever showed any sign of lacking performance. I have absolute faith in Rel 33 & will continue to load it in my 264. If it ever gave me reason for concern I would have switched long before now.
What concerns me is the drastic temp swings here in South Texas! It may be anywhere from 30-90 degrees during deer season with an average of 50-70. I'll be developing loads this month and next with temps in the would be nice to know what kind of velocity swing to expect.....especially fps/degrees!
I have found H-1000 to be a bit on the fast burning side for the 264 except for the 100gr bullet. If deer is your only game the Barnes 100gr TTSx or the Nosler100gr Part. has givenme excellent performance out to 500 yd on the range. Never shot game that far with them but fir sure got there right now.
What concerns me is the drastic temp swings here in South Texas! It may be anywhere from 30-90 degrees during deer season with an average of 50-70. I'll be developing loads this month and next with temps in the would be nice to know what kind of velocity swing to expect.....especially fps/degrees!
I just don't see any problem. I have shot/practiced in hot weather & never had a problem.
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