My First Cougar

Shawn Carlock

Jun 11, 2007
North Idaho
I'd love to tell you guys it was expertise in tracking, stalking and/or a killer long range shot that bagged this kitty, however in the end it was mostly luck. My dad and I were long range testing the +P out in the national forest and were driving back when we spotted the tom at about 300 yards from the truck. We stopped, wrestled the +P from the hard case in the back of the truck, got ammo form the extra cab, got a rest and shot it. It is the only cougar I have seen in the daylight that wasn't up a tree with dogs, so that was pretty cool after all the hours I have spent in the woods.


My decision to pack it down and out the bottom of the canyon, instead of back up to the truck might not have been the wisest as it turned out to be a little over a mile to truck access. I am fairly confident that this is the first 338 Edge +P cougar kill though.:)

That is pretty cool. Did you buy a lottery ticket on the way home? Very nice looking cat, so what did he weigh? Looks to be about 140 ish?


Many Congratulations Shawn,

That is super cool. I've never got a lion, seen a few at night, but never seen one during daylight.

Nice Job:D
Thanks guys, it did weight 125-130 I guess seemed alot heavier by the time I got it too the truck. We talked about the lottery ticket on the way home but figured I had used up all of my good luck for the year.
Beautiful animals aren't they? I know cattlemen hate them as I am told to shoot ,shovel ,and shut up with any cats we encounter. Good story. Hunting is so many times taking advantage of the opportunity presented. Good job Shawn.
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