You most likely loaded your round iike you would a Rem. 700. the mod. 70 is designed to load from the magazine. Not single loaded. Is this a pre 64?I have a model 70 that jammed. I was able to get it open eventually but my extractor was broken. I found the part online but I want to make sure I do not do it again. Is there anything these rifles are known for that cause this?
I do not know what model 70 I have yet. I posted a thread trying to get some help figuring that out too. You are correct that I was single feeding it though. I thought that was better to not wear out the lanz or something. Should I not be single feeding my model 70?
Pull your bolt out and look at it. Which one does it look like(see picture)? If it is the bottom one you have either a pre-64 or a classic. Both of which need to be loaded from the magazine. The other version you can push feed a single round not in the magazine.
Run the serial number using this site ( address below) and you will learn the year it was built. It's just a good habit to always shove the cartridge into the magazine before chambering with Winchesters as most are control feed.
Serial number date-range info.
Year of Manufacture information made available by Winchester Customer Service Dept. - Winchester Repeating Arms Article
I have the top bolt
Glad you cleared that up. Try to remember that both Remington and Winchester produce(d) a model 70. Good idea to be specific when you look for info. on a "Model 70".I have the top bolt