Memorial Day - The True Meaning

Coyote Shadow Tracker

Well-Known Member
LRH Sponsor
Dec 9, 2020
Social Circle, GA
Does anyone know the TRUE meaning of Memorial Day?

We have relatives from the Revolution War in 1776
Jill is a member of the Daughters of the Revolution

Family members fought and died from the Revolution War, Civil War,First World War, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam.

Just would like to know what this day has meaning to everyone.

Going to Andersonville Prison Camp in GA on Monday. Jills Great Grand Father and Geat Uncle died there and are burried there.

Len and Jill
Semper Fi
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It's a day to reflect that freedom actually costs a lot & many people paid the ultimate price many times over during the history of the USA to provide us the lifestyle & privileges we enjoy. I think about my uncle, my grandfather, my dad, & my stepdad on this day. They all served. God bless them. It's a day of prayer, too, for all those currently serving. Thank you for being there for us; may you serve in peace & retire in safety. Barring that, may God always be with you & watch over you.
Len & Jill asked "Does anyone know the TRUE meaning of Memorial Day?" If I may:

Memorial Day (originally known as Decoration Day is a federal holiday in the United States for mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces. It is observed on the last Monday of May. It was formerly observed on May 30 from 1868 to 1970.

I know many people include those of us who are still living, which I appreciate, but our recognition is Armed Forces Day which is celebrated on the third Saturday in May. Armed Forces Day is the proper day to honor all of the men and women currently serving, as well as those who have served and sacrificed to defend our freedom.

23 years,
US Air Force, Retired
My wife is a gold star daugher. Father in law shot down over Laos March 7, 1972. A local villager recovered a tooth and he went from MIA to KIA in 2003. Sister in law is a Periodontist and Major General in the AF. She got to verify her dads tooth to his dental records. My deepest gratitude goes out to those who serve, and especially those who've paid the ultimate price.
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Amen to all the above. Freedom is not free. I can't help but feel a bit of disgust today, with all the crazy in our country these days, I feel it's a dishonor to those that did pay the ultimate sacrifice. I think our daily actions should always honor those sacrifices. Sorry for the speech.
On a trip to see my friend John. I haven't seen him since we lost him in Baghdad 15 years back. Brought him a little something to show appreciation.

I know what today is for.