Making custom dies


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
Lander, Wy
I am wanting to do an improved version of a couple of rifles that I have, but found out today that RCBS does not do custom dies anymore. So just wondering if custom dies can be made from my standard dies?
Unlikely, as the dies are cut, honed and heat treated to a very hard finish.

There are custom die makers, CH4D, Whidden & Redding.

I think Lee will also make them.

I am wanting to do an improved version of a couple of rifles that I have, but found out today that RCBS does not do custom dies anymore. So just wondering if custom dies can be made from my standard dies?
I think most dies are case hardened leaving a very hard outer surface and a milder inner metal hardness. I don’t think they would be very easy to work with.
CH4D will do them. Lee will if you can supply them with fired cases :eek:o_O! Cost for the Lee's is around $150 I think.
Thanks for the responses. I have checked into a couple die makers, and looks like I will be looking at north of $100 to have them made. Not sure if it is worth the cost.
My problem with custom dies has always been...What happens when your present barrel needs replacement? If you don't have the reamer for another barrel, I think the dies would be paper weights.
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