Magnaporting VS Muzzle Brake?


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2001
I am thinking about Magnaporting my Weatherby.
The only thing that appeals to me is not having to forget or lose the brake and even more importantly not having to add an additional 2" to the end of the already long 26" tube.

Can someone describe the advantages and disadvantages of either ?

Is recoil reduction better with either?
If it were me I'd opt for a brake.

I've not used a magnaported rifle ever, so I may be out of turn.

That being said I've been around manufacturing/gunmaking for awhile now.

If I understand the process correctly they are essentially using a wire EDM to machine ports in the barrel that'll vent gasses and mitigate recoil.

A wire EDM is a powerful/wonderful tool that'll do an exceptional job. The issue I have from a gunmaker standpoint is the interruption in the bore. The trailing edge isnt' a big deal but now a portion of the bullet is unsupported as it travels down the barrel. When it "enters" the bore again the interruption of the bore stops and those leading edges could potentially act just like a cheese grater.

Stripping jacket material.

It's along the same lines as an AR-15 barrel. The better smiths have devised ways to ensure the gas port is timed to a groove and not a land. They also cock the hole around 2* back towards the carry handle so the trailing edge doesn't shave the jacket.

Long term tests has shown it beneficial with service rifles shot at 600 yards during course matches.

A properly fitted brake avoids all this. It's not hard to ensure the thing stays tight. A good snap with the appropriate tool is all that's needed. Much easier to service/clean as well.

Again, this isn't direct experience with Magnaporting so take it with a grain of salt. Just my humble thoughts regarding it.

Good luck.

I have had two barrels magna-ported and both shot very well. It does reduce recoil substantially. The draw back is that you can't remove it once the barrel is shot out. It isn't nearly as loud as a brake. However I have a Vais brake and it cuts the noise about in half compared to others.
I am thinking about Magnaporting my Weatherby.
The only thing that appeals to me is not having to forget or lose the brake and even more importantly not having to add an additional 2" to the end of the already long 26" tube.

Can someone describe the advantages and disadvantages of either ?

Is recoil reduction better with either?

The Magnaport is a nice looking addition to the barrel but it is not as effective as a brake
for many reasons.

It interrupts the rifling and reduces effective barrel length. also it has no chambers or baffles
to redirect the gasses and be more efficient.

Gasses simply escape out the ports and reduce the amount that goes out the muzzle reducing
recoil by a small percentage compared to a baffled brake.

If you add a large ported brake like the Holland quick discharge you will not reduce the effective
barrel barrel length but you will reduce the recoil by 40 to 50%.

I have used both and will not have another barrel magnaported because of the disadvantages
compared to the muzzle brakes.

The most effective muzzle brakes have been the one with chambers and long ports angling
backwards like the "fish Gill" on the 50 BMG giving the gasses something to push against
reducing backward thrust.

The magnaporting does not effect accuracy of the larger slower bullets like Magnum pistols
but in high velocity rifles the interrupted rifling is disruptive to the controlled engraving of the
bullet and has been known to make the bullet yaw if placed close to the muzzle.

As I said, In My opinion magnaporting offers nothing but looks, Everything else is negative
compared to no brake,or a well designed break.

I still have a few contenders and revolvers with Magnaported barrels but there will be no
more now that there are better options.

Just My opinion.

Interesting read gentleman, back 25 some years ago when most hunters and or comp shooters we never had much option's on custom guns to tame recoil.
I have had many guns built with the magna porting and they all have been bore inspected and nothing has shown me that it is just a negative thing to do. My first custom is a 340 weatherby with Sako a5 action tricked out, shilen's best barrel, MCmillain stock magna ported will shoot lights out at 1000yds all day long and kicks like 243. Guns weighs 10.5 lbs and is balanced perfect with 25.5" barrell lenght. I have 4 others calibers to match with different actions and barrels with same history.
I can claim thou that my newest guns built today with a more modern break do not shoot as good period, tell me this. Now of all my guns built before was with the same guy who has passed away, and his attention to detail was second to none. Nothing was good enough ever. I have had many built by the best names in industry lately. Dang I have a hard time reading all the bad about Magna porting, what gives. I only believe half what I read and all that is for my eyes to see.
I do know I don't like to wear ear protection hunting and with old style it is not a problem not like new modern style now and no I am not going to take it off just for hunting why was it put on there for.
Must be magic. Good shooting boys!
This is what I found as far as the losing the 2" of barrel.

This is what I found.........

In 1989 Graham Bugden purchased the only Australian Mag-na-port agency for M.A.B. Engineering.

Mag-na-port has been tested many times since its initial introduction. H.P. White Laboratories performed tests on rifles equipped with and without Mag-na-port to determine the effect on free recoil and velocity. Findings in the laboratory-conducted test had a 20.8% reduction in free recoil for the rifle equipped with Mag-na-port. These same tests noted velocity averages less than four-tenths of 1 percent with the Mag-na-ported rifle, considered statistically insignificant.
I also have a couple Magna ported Contender barrels, one I shot before porting and I would say magna porting cuts recoil by about 25 percent. I also have a Contender barrel with the factory recoil tamer ant it cuts recoil more than Magnaport. I also have Muscle brake on a 338 Ultra mag and it only kicks like a 308.
I would go with a brake. Check out Muscle brake.
Now of all my guns built before was with the same guy who has passed away, and his attention to detail was second to none. Nothing was good enough ever. I have had many built by the best names in industry lately. Dang I have a hard time reading all the bad about Magna porting, what gives. I only believe half what I read and all that is for my eyes to see.

Sorry If It sounded like I was against Magna Porting. I'm not. I Just think that there are better
ways to solve the problem of recoil today.

I don't use any type of recoil reduction on most of my hunting rifles because of the noise.

My 416s are about my limit for no breaks and I have some light rifles that a break is nessary.

In my opinion if you need something to reduce recoil, 20% is not worth the cost.

Most breaks start at 35% reduction and go to just over 50% (Worth the effort and cost).

The mercury recoil reducers are 10 to 20% and probably the neatest and easiest if you
want minimal reduction with out any barrel work.

As to the noise, I cannot shoot any of my Magna ported weapons without hearing protection
and don't intend to try.

Also in reference to the 2" of barrel loss, I stated that there was the effective lose of barrel
length not 2" and in this game, velocity lose of any kind is a negative.

So with that said. I will never have another barrel Magna ported because if I need to reduce
the recoil, I will go with the more effective methods.

This is just my opinion.

Great reply, like I said back than there was not to many options as far as muzzle breaks as is now days. I have had great luck with mine. I do wear hearing protection till hunting season thus is reason I like magna-porting it removes enough recoil as needed and noise is no more than regular barrel un ported I believe. Has anybody ever done test in noise or decibles with all various breaks options by chance. Maybe that is why I cannot shoot my other breaked guns as good, plus the fact I have been hunting with friends and have been blasted to many times kinda like gun shy bird dog trained wrong. Maybe a well built gun makes a difference all of mine have long barrels and maybe it is that that helps recoil too. new age for super lite guns a person can tell. I have a gun that weight 6.5lbs total with new break style and it really does its job, I just hate the noise to much. Good to have conversation with great people on a great site.
I have shot both port and a brake, like them both. i like the brake at the range i like the port in the field.
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