LR Berger Hunting bullets


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2011
North Carolina
I have been handloading for 35 years and have no experience with Berger VLD bullets, I just bought a Cooper in 243 and was planning on using Sierra 85 gamekings or heavy ballistic tips. I deer hunt and my shots vary from 100 to 350 yards with 300 yards being the norm, deer range from 130 to 180 lb range. Is the Berger a lot of exoense for not much return or am I just as well off with Ballistic Tips, I don't know if bullet performance with the Bergers will be consistent. Thanks in advance for your help.
Berger perform very awesome all the way around. They shoot great and kill very well. In my opinion they will kill better than the ballistic tips
I have been handloading for 35 years and have no experience with Berger VLD bullets, I just bought a Cooper in 243 and was planning on using Sierra 85 gamekings or heavy ballistic tips. I deer hunt and my shots vary from 100 to 350 yards with 300 yards being the norm, deer range from 130 to 180 lb range. Is the Berger a lot of exoense for not much return or am I just as well off with Ballistic Tips, I don't know if bullet performance with the Bergers will be consistent. Thanks in advance for your help.

With under 400 yard shots, stick with a btip or the Sierra. I have killed a pile of deer with a btip including this year's mule deer and whitetail bucks. You're not gaining much of anything by going Berger with a 300 yard shot. In fact, Sierra's tech guys told me years ago when I started loading that out to 300 yards, even flat based spitzer bullets are more attractive for their accuracy.
My experience running 105 vld at 2800, bergers kill very well but do not get a complete pass through (even the lungs inside 200). I have only had one long shot (500) it was a complete pass through. If watching the deer run and fall is good with you, go for it. I have had a blood trail problem with shorter shots inside 200. Btw found several bullets in the offside hide. They were completely mushroomed/ fragment retained 50% of weight
I like the Bergers because I like the game down right there. The accuracy is second to none in my rifles. But let me suggest if you go Berger, opt for the largest weight bullet your rifle twist will stabilize. That will give you the least wind drift and leave a larger piece for an exit when you get one. The exits will be less at closer distances, but as the Bergers slow with distance they will fragment a little less and you will get good sized exits.

I used 95gr BT's in my 243 for years, in that caliber it's a very hard bullet to beat. I switched the 95 gr Berger classic hunter just because I wanted to try something new, no other reason. Another very good bullet in the 243 is the 100gr Partition, I would inter change the 95gr BT and 100 Partition and change nothing else about the load with outstanding results.
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