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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2004
I'll start the show. I just sent off for my Colorado elk rifle tag. I took my first bull last year but I'm just putting in for a cow tag this year. A little cheaper and a lot easier to locate a cow in a position for a shot.
Got my 7mm RUM back from Nathan Dagley a couple weeks ago with his V-port muzzle brake and shot it yesterday. Recoil went from very sharp to less than a .243. I plan on using this rifle stuffed with 160 gr AB's to hopefully fill that cow tag this fall. I love elk meat and I love the scenery of western Colorado. I can't wait for October to point the truck west!

Good luck on your elk hunt this year. Your 7mmRUM with the 160 gr AB should do the trick.

I'm already starting my elk scouting at "my spot". Supposed to get snow the next two nights by my snowshoes are good to go.

Just called the jury hot line and I'm off the hook for tomorrow. So I may be able to make it out then.

Regarding cow or bull tags, I seem to always have the wrong one.:( I think I'll go for the bull tag as it lasts longer and goes longer. Plus I have a decent buck picked out which will take much more summer/late summer scouting plus much more preparation for the hunt than will the elk. Hopefully the buck and bull seasons won't overlap as the locations are 4 hours + apart by vehicle.

We'll see how things work out.
I seen 400 + elk last weekend in my neck of the woods. Been watching them for about a month now waiting for the horns to drop. No luck yet. Seen a nice 6x6 and a descent 5x5 with a bunch of spikes. They all look tired and beat up from the crazy winter we had up here. Makes me feel sick as I seen 2 dead elk in the river.
Something to look at until October....

Good Bullet....

That oughta do the trick.

I used the 160 NABs from a 7RM at 3080 fps MV on a 6x6 in 06. Smacked him twice at 325. First was clean pass through the lungs/ribs, second was a direct hit to the shoulder/bottom of the spine which was lights out. Recovered slug was textbook.

Good Luck

thanks for starting this , i'm going on my first elk muley hunt in oct. words cant begin to describe how excited i am being 59 yrs young. i've spent hours on google earth already. we will be leaving oct 14. 2youth and 3 adults. thanks for the pics.
sams 57
Thank the lord I found my lost brethren. I too use a 7 RUM, but I load it with 175 Nosler Partitions over 92 grams of Retumbo. I've killed 3 bulls with this set up at ranges from 50 yards to 465. It's a good round and does a nice job anchoring them. it is absolutely devastating on deer.

I'm headed back to the Selway in September, can't wait.

Good luck to all.
I'm hoping I can get out this year. I have yet to get an Elk so if I get one, it will be my first and it will be with a handgun. Just thinking about it gives me goose bumps. LOL
Great news everyone... I drew my Wyoming elk tag, but will probably chase them with stick and string for starters. I put together a 338 lapua rifle in case I need to go back out and extend my range a little bit. I'm thinking of building a 408 cheytac for fun...

I can hear those bugling bulls already!!!
Great news everyone... I drew my Wyoming elk tag, but will probably chase them with stick and string for starters. I put together a 338 lapua rifle in case I need to go back out and extend my range a little bit. I'm thinking of building a 408 cheytac for fun...

I can hear those bugling bulls already!!![/quot

Congrates on the tag!gun)
Headed to NW Wyoming this fall for my first Elk hunt. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!! (Sorry, just a little excited :) ).
I wont know where we are headed for another month or so until after the draws. I took my 15 year old son with me to CO last year and he shot his first Cow Elk. What a blast that was!
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