Lead Poisoning

Interesting comment
How much is of your state is a "food production state "
Just curious because I have never visited or google it "
I have farmed my entire life
I have witnessed the devastation pigs and hogs impacted
No disrespect but until the money came out of your livelihood how can you condone this?
All I know about Montana is Yellowstone
Cattle ranches and tourists
Just my.02 cents
Maybe I should study more about your state
But I despise (free range pigs and hogs)
A farmer
How did we go from deer to hogs? We don't have any hogs (yet). I thought we were talking about game animals, specifically deer, and someone extended it to elk. Shoot hogs with an M 60 for all I care; sounds like fun. I have farm/ranch friends in TX/OK and know how much harm they do.

But fair chase of big game, not vermin was the topic, and, IMHO fair chase extends to a killing shot with maximal meat preservation. YMMV.
31 pages of:

1. people making logical arguments for the efficacy of copper bullets and also;

2. people bragging about their lead intake and how it "barely" affects their cognitive function.

The duality of man has never been more evident.
Ahem... Somebody said it now... 🤔😎

Trying to understand the behavior of some people.jpg
How did we go from deer to hogs?
You said ham. Not that I didn't understand you were talking about a Texas Heart Shot on a deer, but still you did say the word ham 🤣

Some of us are more special than others.
You know how when you see prime numbers they appear red but when they're twin primes they're pink and smell like gasoline?
Nervous The Big Bang Theory GIF

That's me ^^^ trying to explain things to people at work every day. I don't understand why they don't "see it", they tell me it's a 10,000 line excel spreadsheet that takes 5 minutes to re-calc, I still know I'm right!
31 pages of:

1. people making logical arguments for the efficacy of copper bullets and also;

2. people bragging about their lead intake and how it "barely" affects their cognitive function.

The duality of man has never been more evident.
3. People making logical arguments that copper bullets solve a problem that doesn't exist.

The bias in your statement is evident. Keep believing you are the smartest person, it might be true one day.

Sorry hammer bullets do absolutely nothing better than traditional lead core bullets...well except cost more.
3. People making logical arguments that copper bullets solve a problem that doesn't exist.

The bias in your statement is evident. Keep believing you are the smartest person, it might be true one day.

Sorry hammer bullets do absolutely nothing better than traditional lead core bullets...well except cost more.
What bias? I still use lead bullets. You're more sensitive than my wife during shark week.
You are correct. I have 0 reasons to shoot hammer bullets, so I don't and never will.
I have plenty of bullets and don't have much of a reason to try other than curiosity and the hype. A member here is hooking me up with a few to test so we'll see how it goes. It would be nice to have bullets that I can actually get and find some that shoot really well and perform on target.
You are correct. I have 0 reasons to shoot hammer bullets, so I don't and never will.
I find it ironic you call others out for bias, yet demonstrate absolute bias by having no experience with the subject matter and make unsupported claims. Unfortunate you have this stance. You are missing out on a fun experience.
I find it ironic you call others out for bias, yet demonstrate absolute bias by having no experience with the subject matter and make unsupported claims. Unfortunate you have this stance. You are missing out on a fun experience.

I'm certainly glad that automobile improvements didn't stop with the Model T! My grandfather's'32 Chevy was great in it's day….but, can't compare with today's automobiles!

Not all changes are positive…..but, some folks refuse to accept progress! memtb
Yep that's why I clearly specified I was talking about using copper. In no way and at no point has this somehow become a conversation about the differences in firearm liberty overall between Canada and the United States as a) that has nothing to do with what we're talking about and b) I know full well how restrictive our laws are up here overall.

Though I do have to point out one falsehood…we did not narrowly miss losing all shotguns and rifles haha. Even if they attempted to legislate that it wouldn't fly. We don't have the right to bear arms in our constitution or as part of our important heritage, we never fought Britain we just asked nicely for more autonomy after a while of fighting on the same side and still on the same side in major conflicts, we've never had a civil war up here, we haven't existed as a nation nearly as long in general (wasn't as "clement" a land for Europeans to settle right away haha - though the Vikings got to Newfoundland 1000 years ago…and went right back where they came from because it
deemed uninhabitably miserable weather-wise haha) …firearms as weapons and as a symbol of independence and self governance has never been that big of a deal here and it's a very big deal and much more a part of American history and identity (and should be respected as such in my opinion) BUT…ours is a history that takes great pride in the kind of independence that isn't as much about the defiance of powers that be so much as it is about self-reliance and especially historically of living off the land and providing for ourselves be it hunting, fishing, farming…and natural resources in general is the backbone of our economy even more than most nations. A ton of geographical area and not that many people. Lots of nature.

While I want to be clear that I am 100 percent against these ridiculous bans that have indeed happened here, it is a historically demonstrable fact that the majority of Canadians honestly don't care that much if they or their fellow citizens are "allowed" to own handguns or high capacity semi autos. I'm not part of that majority haha but won't deny its true. But when a proposed piece of legislation has threatened to be so broadly restrictive as to disrupt sporting, hunting use of guns up here the backlash has been immediate and strong. That's the part of our heritage that people would fight about. The right and ability to use guns to provide for themselves, not so much defend themselves. Again, not necessarily my view but the truth about my country as best I see it. Our histories are so vastly different and we do indeed have some different values regarding guns and different symbolic meaning ascribed to them. There's no way in hell they'd succeed in banning all rifles and shotguns, nor have they tried to do something that stupid (though stupid has been the trend haha)

On a further note I'm a little relieved to say, regarding some of the unjust new gun laws that target the law abiding and do nothing to address gang violence in big cities and on reserves which is our number one REAL violence problem, the governments of Alberta and my home Saskatchewan have recently successfully passed legislature that places the authority and task of any firearms confiscations or buybacks solely under the provinces own jurisdiction, meaning federal agents CAN NOT legally come and take anyone's guns here unless an actual violent crime has been committed (which makes sense) - it is at the discretion and hand of provincial police authorities, and I know a good number of police officers in Saskatchewan who have said hell will freeze over before they enforce any of this nonsense and come for peaceful citizen's newly illegal firearms.

Wow, that was a long rabbit trail, sorry! 🤣

I'll add…about the only major conflict regarding what is now Canada on North American soil (apart from early rebellions and skirmishes between the indigenous people and Europeans) was in 1812 when the American White House was burned and Washington sacked.

BUT…Canada was not a nation then! That doesn't happen here till 1867. That was all England!!! 🤣😬

And as i understand y'all took that up with them and set the record straight already shortly thereafter.
3. People making logical arguments that copper bullets solve a problem that doesn't exist.

The bias in your statement is evident. Keep believing you are the smartest person, it might be true one day.

Sorry hammer bullets do absolutely nothing better than traditional lead core bullets...well except cost more.
Meme - Personal Statement or Banged head on keyboard.jpg

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