Just need an opinion.

This is a chamber on a sendero, is this how it is supposed to look?

The rings normal? I am having sticky extraction issues, and am trying to narrow down the exact problem, possibly thinking the brand of brass i am using might be a bit thick.

But then i noticed rings on the brass and checked inside the chamber and figured I would ask about this.

The bolt lift is easy, its the pulling it back part thats hard.

That's just wrong. I guess you will have to listen to his excuses but I can't even imagine what they can be or how he can justify releasing a product like that to a customer.
Results of the fix, still waiting on some Remington brass to try in it, but smith says rem brass works fine in the chamber now.

Nosler stuff seems to be slightly thick at the neck, like 1-2 thou it seems , and its expanding too much at the web.

Dunno, will wait till i get some remington brass in and see what happens. The necks on the nosler brass dont even expand enough for me to push a bullet back through after firing them in my chamber. He made me a modified case out of a piece of remington brass he fired through my gun and it works ok. The neck is juuuust snug but i can push a bullet through the neck with almost zero effort, as in it doesnt just fall through but if i just lightly touch it, it pushes through.

What do you guys think, look better now? The rings are much diminished.

He said the ringing didnt look nearly as bad in person as it did in the pics. Picture may have made it look worse than it really was.

Just out of curiosity guys, what do your chambers look like? I have one custom rifle where the chamber looks completely flawless, cant see any hint of any rings etc at all in it, its not like mirror smooth but it just looks flat almost like it wasnt cut with a tool at all. And this one has little rings in the chamber. I think mine will be fine now but gimme an example of your chambers if anyone has a picture like mine I can compare to. If you dont mind.


  • chamber.jpg
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Just out of curiosity guys, what do your chambers look like? I have one custom rifle where the chamber looks completely flawless, cant see any hint of any rings etc at all in it, its not like mirror smooth but it just looks flat almost like it wasnt cut with a tool at all. And this one has little rings in the chamber. I think mine will be fine now but gimme an example of your chambers if anyone has a picture like mine I can compare to. If you dont mind.

A good chamber looks like it was just honed (Like the cylinder on a new engine). that one looks
like it was cut with a roughing reamer.

The Honed look/finish is a result of a good reamer that is kept clean and cut at the correct RPM.

You don't want a polished finish because the case exerts more force on the bolt. also as mentioned
polishing a chamber can change the dimensions enough to make extraction difficult with hot loads.

Also after firing the chamber should not leave "ANY" marks or rings on the brass.

I hope the smith did like Shortgrass recommended and set the barrel tenon threads back enough to clean up the chamber and reset the head space.

Results of the fix, still waiting on some Remington brass to try in it, but smith says rem brass works fine in the chamber now.

Nosler stuff seems to be slightly thick at the neck, like 1-2 thou it seems , and its expanding too much at the web.

Dunno, will wait till i get some remington brass in and see what happens. The necks on the nosler brass dont even expand enough for me to push a bullet back through after firing them in my chamber. He made me a modified case out of a piece of remington brass he fired through my gun and it works ok. The neck is juuuust snug but i can push a bullet through the neck with almost zero effort, as in it doesnt just fall through but if i just lightly touch it, it pushes through.

What do you guys think, look better now? The rings are much diminished.

He said the ringing didnt look nearly as bad in person as it did in the pics. Picture may have made it look worse than it really was.

Just out of curiosity guys, what do your chambers look like? I have one custom rifle where the chamber looks completely flawless, cant see any hint of any rings etc at all in it, its not like mirror smooth but it just looks flat almost like it wasnt cut with a tool at all. And this one has little rings in the chamber. I think mine will be fine now but gimme an example of your chambers if anyone has a picture like mine I can compare to. If you dont mind.

You should have taken FearNoWinds advice. Your chamber still isn't correct.
You should have taken FearNoWinds advice. Your chamber still isn't correct.

I am going to shoot it with some rem brass within a week i hope. I hear you but crap, this smith makes f-class rifles that are competetive at the national level. I felt like i should give him the benefit of the doubt, and had to give him the opportunity to correct the problem. He is a site sponsor.

Im going to get some rem brass and shoot it and see what happens. If its no bueno and leaves marks on the brass or is sticky i guess i will see what i can get done. He said he fired it and all was well though.

I am reading all your replys and thank everyone for the advice. I just dont want to be an arse about something if its unwarranted.

This sucks btw, ill at least wait till i shoot it and see what happens. And i will update the thread when i do. Before i ask a smith for a new barrel i feel like i should make dang sure its needed, and then i will be out even more money to have it fitted and god knows how much more down time. All it cost me to let him work on fixing it was a weeks worth of waiting so it was no extra loss yet.

Thanks for the input everyone. I am listening, im just making every effort not to go overboard about this until im sure its warranted.

That first chamber did not look good and obviously wasn't. Smiths are human too and overlook things now and then. Just as JE Custom said, we strive to cut a chamber that shows zero blemishes but sometimes the tiny ring lines have a way of showing up after firing and then sizing the brass.

If you cannot feel the rings when dragging a fingernail down the brass, it probably will not cause a problem but it does look un-professional.


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