It all starts at 4 a.m.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2005
Texas born and raised
Well a month ago we were up here looking the place over and setting up a corn feeder in a new spot to hopefully draw a few deer in for the grandson. It is a great location in a small valley between several small hills here on our place. The woods make a nice inlet on one side in which we set up the feeder and there is a decent sized hickory under which I had planned to setup a pop up blind for us. I cleared the underbrush the weekend we set up the feeder so that it would be clean for the most part.

The next week we come up to do some shooting practice on location with the boy and while setting up several life sized deer targets, I find that the feeder has been found by the deer and hogs. Upon setting up our chair and rest under the Hickory, I find that the hogs are now using a new trail which comes right through the area under the tree where I want to put the stand. I figure no biggie just hogs and heck they eat too.

Last weekend we shot some more and cleaned up a few stick up in and around the tree along with cutting a few branches here and there to avoid blind spots.

Well an hour ago the wife and I headed out to set up the pop up. Got everything in the truck and with the fog lights only headed over the hill to our hide. Trying not to disturb the whole country side we first got busted by a pack of yotes which let loose like air raid sirens. Next I get the truck situated so that we can use the lights to set things up, and haul everything in under the canopy of this tree. Just as I was cutting out a couple of missed vines I notice it, damned if the buck we are targeting didn't put a scrape 3' in front of where I wanted to put the stand. So plan "B", we backed out and set up some 30 or so yards away just over the rise of one of the hills. Hopefully in the morning we will be on him before he figures out the jig is up.

Stay tuned, I am sure this will be interesting. Got to run for now not much shut eye before I drag the boy out.
WEll with the full moon shining, we hit the stand around 6 well before sun up. We sat there in the moon light trying to make out the shadows which seemed to move across our little valley. As the sun crept up, the boy was either caughing his head off or snoring loud enough he drowned out the crickets.

I kept a vigil watch on the surrounding woods and opening in hopes of catching a glimps of something, anything. Around 8'ish the feeder went off and we got a little hopeful knowing that the deer and hogs both had been working the feed mix over properly. At 9'ish the boy had been still and quiet as long as one could expect for someone his age. He was ready for something to eat and was determined to make enough noiise that I would take us to the house. So I gave in reluctantly knowing that with the moon that high things would be moving through mid morning and early afternoon.

We came to the house and ate a bite then headed back to hang a stand overlooking our bottom pasture, in hopes of at least seeing something this evening. As we pulled the truck around the bend and out from behind a nice sized oak, I looked over towards the feeder we hunted this morning. There in the shadows stood a yearling buck, which took a couple of good long looks to discover. Being the boy was in the back of the truck I was going to try and let him make the shot, but he hasn't figured out the tone thing in talking in the woods while watching a deer. I asked him if he wanted to go ahead and get this one and with his reply the buck turned and high tailed it. No biggie we wanted the big one anyway. On down in the bcak I stopped when I saw movement across the pasture, as we looked on we watched as a nice 8 point herded two does up and over the hill on neighbors place. Then just as they left out I spied something slinking along the back fence and upon closer observation discoverd a coyote which had spied us and was trying his best to blend into the scenery. After a few minutes of belly crawling he managed to make it to some tall weeds where with one look back he was gone.

WE got the stand up with a small protest mounted by some fire ants. After getting them under control, we finished up and headed back to the house for a nap. The boy says I needed to being the big gun with us this evening so I can shoot a hog if we see one that doesn't come in close. Since we will be hunting a run way across the field from another one of our feeders I figure we might at least end up with some pork chops if nothing else.

Well it's back to the stand, the boy is rested and got the caughing somewhat under control. Hopefully the repositioning will pay off with us sitting on the crossroads in the back.

We hit the stand just a tad after 3pm, figuring that with the moon and all something might by chance slip through the pasture. I had noted this morning that one of the buckes we had been prospecting for was totally involved with chasing does. So before climbing into the stand I made a drag using some Code Blue doe urine in hopes that he or one of the others would pick up the trail and follow it into range of the boy. Well it was pretty slow until around 5ish and we caught a quick view of a doe heading across the neighbors coastal field. After that it was sitting in the evening sun watching the grandsons head bob like on of those birds drinking out of the little glass. LOL Can't say as I blame him one bit, the temp was excellent for napping and with the slight breeze it sure was hard not to.

About 6ish we spotted a young 6 point heading right down the scent line I had laid. Unfortunately, as I had invisioned, he picked it up and went the wrong way. Once he got to the end he just wandered around a little befuttled and then headed into the woods. About this time I saw two does bust across the neighbors pasture with a decent buck in hot pursuit. I didn't get a good look due to the glare from the sun but could tell he was a shooter for our purposes.

Well we kept a watch behind us in hopes that they would hit the wind break we were set up in and come on across to us. In the process I saw something which hadn't been there before and upon closer inspection noted a young yote slipping through the goat weed heading our way. I mentioned to the boy that it was there and about the time he found it, it hit the timber and was gone. Only to soon be followed by another which followed suit. We discussed the option of holding out for a deer, but the boy was excited about the chance at his first yote. I helped him into position just in case they made a reappearance on the other side of the woods. IT would be a long shot for him pushing 250yds. Well we waited plenty long for them to re-emerge and no dice. I had just got the gun situated and him settled in when another one appeard. this one however was busy hunting gofers and kept in the pasture. We once again set up for a shot but the boy was having a time of it keeping the yote in the scope as it slipped from mound to mound looking for supper. Finially it found one home and set up to wait ti out. As he waited the boy drew a bead and took the shot. The range was a little over 150yds and the yote exploded into the air for what had to be a six foot leap. As it hit the ground this was repeated a couple more times and all was still. I have seen them do a death spin but never flip up and jump like this one did. Well needless to say that was it for this evenings deer hunt as we just had to go inspect it and get a few pics.


All in all though the boy is having a blast which is what it is all about. Hopefully with a little luck tomorrow morning we will intercept one coming across the front and he will fill his tag for this county. It would be nice to take him home with a deer as the processor is right on the way.
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Well things were pretty much identical to Saturday mornings outing with one exception. We sat a bit longer and around 9:30'ish had a yearling 4 point come slipping by. It was a hurried set up and I am not sure if either of us was ready when the hammer fell. At the shot the buck jumped and left the county. We sat a goodly while replaying what had just happened. I told the grandson to sit tight and be quiet as I slipped out to where the buck was stopped at the shot. After looking the scene over really well I eased back and told him to walk up to the house and get Nanna and the truck. Since we were only a couple hundered yards from the house this didn't take long but still gave us more time between the shot and looking into the brush. Well after a long and tiring 5 hour search we found absolutely nothing to indicate a hit. I have been walking this property since I was able to, and I believe I found parts of it I didn't even know existed. The wife and I started on one side of the woodrow and keeping around 20 feet or so when able we walked the entire fence row which has thick woods around 25 - 35 yards thick for most of it. I pushed a boar hog out of his bed under a fallen oak as well as a couple of does which were bedded just over the hill from us. I crawled through stuff that I wouldn't have sent a hound into. Nothing, nada, zilch.

I believe that it wa a total miss on the boys part and I am convinced that it had to be. Even if the bullet would have only made an entrance with the cover and wide open pastures surrounding that little strip we would have either found the deer or a spot or two of blood if he had been hit. He would have had to get through or over one of the fences which surround the pasture we were in and on the back side of them it was clear of any signs.

I do appreciate all of the words of encouragement. The boy will be turning 6 right before Thanksgiving. I have already sat down with him and explained that this happens sometimes and that we did all we could getting ready but that we might have rushed the shot a bit. It was my fault for getting as excited about it as he most likly was. I also explained that the next time we shot his rifle it would have a bit more pop to it, as I decided that I am going to bump up the load as well a the bullet weight to 130 or 135grs. I believe that this will help ensure that we get full penetration as well as give him more energy out to 100yds. The shot he made yesterday was only around 65 - 70 and if he did hit the bullet did not find it's way out. I just feel this is best for everyone and everything involved. It really has me doubting myself as well even knowing that I used a 30 Carbine at his age with success and I couldn't shoot it nearly as well as he is shooting the .308.

Well until the next trip in two weeks he will be sitting idol, then we head to another set of woods to interupt the feeding pattern of some hogs. It will be good for both of us to try out the new loads as well as get back down to business. For the time being I think we will just stick to hogs and dogs until we get some more experience.

As for me, I will be in the woods this coming weekend for the opening of the general rifle season. I am hoping to cross paths with this one I shot footage of last year and have been watching for the past several years.

I got a report of a sighting and from what has been described, he is ready, and pretty much blows last year away. Hopefully I will find out in a few days.
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He will come around excitment for us while shooting is one thing but for the lil ones I think it effects them much more. If rushed they forget things. Your doing your part itll fall together and feel so easy you both will be amazed! I think you should save that "big un" for him!

That ques your thinkin right now NOPE!

Well this past weekend I had the itch to see if I wold be able to cvonnect with my buck before he wised up and headed underground. I got out early and saw plenty of deer and even a hog, but no bingo.

I talked with the daughter who was hunting our place and she quizzed me about the small buck the grandson had shot at the weekend before. Turns out the thing walked within about 15 feet of her sittin in the stand we got the coyote out of and from all appearances there is not a visable mark on him. She described him to a tee, and watched him for around 20 minutes. I am very relieved that he is up and doing his thing. We will try for him again in a couple weeks.

Again thanks for the words of encouragement for the boy. He is a blast to be out with and takes in everything. He even pokes me when I try to knod off. Funny thing he don't take kindly to the repaying of the favor. LOL
"He even pokes me when I try to knod off. Funny thing he don't take kindly to the repaying of the favor. LOL" 41Mag

Thats funny right there!!!
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