Hunting barrel contours???


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Mar 30, 2008
If I were to build a 338 WM for a good all around alaskan hunting rifle should I get a short and fatter barrel or should I get a longer and skinnier barrel considering weights being the same. I was thinking about 22 inches verses 26 inches. I will be shooting the 225 grain Nosler accubond at a mild 2700 FPS or thereabouts. Thanks for the help.
If I were to build a 338 WM for a good all around alaskan hunting rifle should I get a short and fatter barrel or should I get a longer and skinnier barrel considering weights being the same. I was thinking about 22 inches verses 26 inches. I will be shooting the 225 grain Nosler accubond at a mild 2700 FPS or thereabouts. Thanks for the help.

Sounds like you want something about the size of a #4 or #5 lilja contour.

Barrel would be heavy enough to keep recoil manageable without a break.

With out a break= I would cut the barrel to 24" and make in a #5 contour.

With a break= I would use a 23" #4 contour and the overall length and weight
would be close to the same.

With a 22" barrel the 338 WM would give up to much velocity Unless you shot
heavy bullets and be very loud.

If 2700 fps is your goal with 225 grain bullets you could go with a 20" barrel and make it a #5. That would make a nice fast and stout rifle. I have pistol hunters shooting that speed out of 17" barrels, so I don't think you will have a problem.
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