I noticed most people say neck sizing helps extend your cartridge life over full resizing. Ok so neck size it is. But then I noticed some people neck size without pushing the shoulder back each time. They only bump the shoulder every 3rd time or so. I've heard this called "bump sizing".
Much of our approach is/should be dependent on particular cartridge design, chamber dimensions, load pressures.
And there is logic that can be applied to each separate sizing(body, shoulder, neck).
Your best die is always your chamber. It's your custom upsizing die.
Fire form new brass a few times in your chamber with no more than partial neck sizing for bullet grip, and then measure it. Here you'll see your brass at it's most consistent point.
FL sizing will never get it there.
In fact, if you continue firing that brass with a regime of FL sizing at each reload, and carefully measure along the way, you'll see the brass forever changing as you go. Dimensions will change, runout will grow, capacity will grow.
Ultimately, the change is brushed off your bench -as trimmed away.
Where did the brass trimmed away come from?
It was squeezed up the cases from first contact of a FL die(near webs), thick towards thin. Like a tube of toothpaste. The brass rolls up into shoulders, neck-shoulder junction(donut), and necks, all the way to mouths.
Die sellers imply brass 'flow' which must be dealt with. This as though firing causes brass to move. No, truth is, we move it. Firing changes dimensions outward(never inward) and while this leaves brass thinning, it does not move thickness. It's sizing that creates the very problems that must be dealt with. The greater your sizing(anywhere) the worse things get.
This is why folks break sizing into separate efforts, custom, etc.
Why over-bump to get enough body sizing? Why would anyone FL size necks, with nothing good in that? We don't have to. We have plenty of choices to do anything we want.
I bump shoulders with no body sizing at all. I partial NS as a separate action, and mandrel expand necks separately before seating bullets. My trimming ended way back at initial preps.