No ones has given you an answer and I'm not sure mine will help. I've been hunting with the bow more years than I can remember and even though I haven't been away from archery hunting for any extended period. This past year I did have to have an operation that put me down for a couple months and boy let me tell you, being in my mid 60s it didn't take me long to get out of shape. This is what I did and am still doing to try and get back to some kind of shape. Try and walk from 2 to 6 miles a day, Do 300 to 400 crunches daily. Have weights that are 5lbs, 10 lbs and 50 lbs. Use these to strengthen my shoulders and arms. Will do this at least once daily and sometime 2 or 3 times a day. I'm not an expert with weights so a lot of what I do with them are just things that I feel relate to the mechanic of pulling a bow. And then the most important thing to me is the actual shooting or if you can't shoot daily then pulling of the bow daily. I'm right handed so I hold the bow in my left hand with the sight at approx. eye level then pull the bow straight back in a slow smooth draw. I can shoot daily so I practice holding the draw for different periods of time 5-10 seconds up to 20-30 seconds. The reason I feel shooting or at least pulling the bow daily is so important is I've seen people that were 3 times stronger than me that couldn't think of pulling a bow that I could pull with ease. So I feel that it has to be in the training of your muscles to accomplish the act of smoothly drawing your bow. Of coarse I started slowly and have been trying to increase everything over a period of time. Like I already said I'm not an expert on any of this and have know idea if any of what I do is bad for you, just hopefully giving you some ideas. My basic idea is , doing anything is better than nothing.