I tried the whole optimal charge weight and accuracy node thing when I started getting serious about reloading and gave up on it relatively quickly. It was a complete waste of my time. For some guys it might work great, but it was a fast way to waste primers, bullets, and powder on the rifles I tried it on. I haven't ever messed with mono's either. I prefer the old-school method: just start about mid way up the published data and load 4 each at 1/2 grain increments and exceed max charge by 1/2gr-1gr. Every one of my rifles has the best accuracy at max +/-1/2 gr. 4ea is my conservative way of alleviating pulled shots/flyers from the group. Always take your best one or two groups and shoot them multiple times on different days and temps to verify group repeatability and velocity consistency.
Disclaimer: this is what I do, you should consult multiple load data sources, it's your face next to that chamber, you should never exceed published data etc... etc... I'm kicking a dead horse here.