Fast rate of twist?

I remember many years ago on the Coffee Shop a guy named Steve Shelp said he and a friend both had rifles chambered in 6.5-300 Weatherby aka 6.5 Wright-Hoyer. Their barrels had different twist rates. The faster twist killed with more authority according to him. Can't remember what bullet or velocity or twist rate. Just that fact.
Marginal twist lowers BC: A bullet not properly oriented at contact won't perform as well. Penetration will be less.

Twist rates of even custom barrels are not always what is advertised.

Bullets are generally a bit longer these days when compared to when some twist were established.

Given the option when choosing I go with a faster twist.
That's pretty fast for a 22 creed. I have a 7 twist on mine and I feel it's almost too fast. The 90 gr VLD or 95 SMK will probably be the best with that twist. The 85.5 Bergers stay together fine in my 7 twist although they only require a 8 twist minimum. The ELDM's are hit and miss on making it to the target in one piece after I got some throat wear.

Run the math on bullet rpm and see where your at and if the bullets your wanting to use will stay together.