Eradicate the Wolf???!

Firstly to the myths...Much of F&G/DNR do better with animals than people...
1) Paper work and litigation trump many things
2) Never said anything about our best interest...see #1
3) Good bad and indifferent...just like anything else...but less idiots per capita than the general public :)

The safety of the public and PR don't always go hand in hand...again refer to #1
Sovereign Immunity, there is limited routes thru which you could proceed, but yes for the most part they have protection....still know quite a few people who don't rely on what could be a nebulous protection..especially contracted employees if I remember it right
The problem with your post is it insinuates you as a know it all. Your comment adds nothing to the thread, simply that you disagree and find us as "A bunch of pious know it alls". While you may believe that, maybe instead offer your own opinion rather than attacking others views and calling names.
I did make my point, but you were to busy getting your religious feelings hurt. Wolves have been here for thousands of years and have every right to be here for thousands more.
I did make my point, but you were to busy getting your religious feelings hurt. Wolves have been here for thousands of years and have every right to be here for thousands more.

My religious feelings?? WTH does that mean lol. Sir, you make zero sense. I haven't made any religious comments at all ever on here. What a joke!

My point to you was simple, throwing around insults because you disagree doesn't make you right or sound smart.
Your opinion is they have the right to be here and that's fine if you think that way. My opinion is they kill livestock and our wildlife and I don't want them where I live. You're welcome to your opinion and I am welcome to mine.
If everyone that saw a wolf would kill it . The numbers would start to come down to a better balance.

I'm a conservationist. I don't hunt Dall sheep, Mt Goat, geese, ducks, or Musk Ox.
I think that anyone that wants to hunt wild N.A. sheep should have to turn in at least 6 wolf tounges. ,
Maybe for trophy Elk they should have to turn in 3 wolf tounges.
Down south moose. 4 wolf tounges.
Imo, there should be NO Musk Ox hunting. And any wanton waste of musk ox (indigenous peoples running a herd with snow machines then spraying the herd with mini 14/30, ARs, AKs, SKSs.) It happens more often than most would think.
Much of the time the animals are left to rot.
My opinion of what the punishment for that crime should be . Is too extreme to put on a public forum.

I get really bent out of shape when people articulate wanting to save predators at the cost of prey species.
The only reason people think predators deserve more protection than prey species is faulty wording in their brain imho.
I couldn't agree more, for the land we now have available for Game they cannot win. Predators do not care or know, they will eat and kill till nothing is left. It is there nature, they do not understand the finite equation of what is available to maintain a species a bad winter drought etc...
I keep hearing they belong, and yes they would if we did NOT.
What would fix everything?
Remove US from the equation IE mall's, store's, cities, and our homes we took from the Game animals. Which will not happen and most of the left cannot comprehend.
Some Logic most cannot comprehend.
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[QUOTE="RockyMtnMT,much of the best elk country is now owned by people who will not allow the public to hunt.
My wife and I are guilty of this here In.montana. ,so isn't my father in law, in colorado,
I am seeing posts that essentially, call for the eradication of wolves, Any of us that hunt and consider ourselves conservationists in any way and part of a bigger system than ourselves, see about as much sense in that, as the eradication of the American bison. The biological system that God created, is in a balance and has been for much longer than humanity has existed. I came to the conclusion that I will never forgive those that used governmental policy and business interests to decimate the bison and just hope that each of us can look at what we see as a nuisance species and still see God's place for them.
Yeah, yeah, I know the place for them is at the tip of my 130gn GMX bullet, but you folks know what I'm saying. Cheers
Look at human history. I appears that every time we have eradicated any species or imported another species to help control a pest we later find that our actions were in error. Species that we eradicate turn out to be beneficial, sometimes to the point of catastrophic. Look what happened in the middle ages where the cats were killed off because they were thought to the consorts of witches. As a result the rats multiplied to the point the the fleas carried by the rats caused the black plague decimating a huge portion of Europe's population, all because of the actions of a few causing mass panic. The question of wolves is much the same. let nature (ie, God) control the population and not man. Humans have a very poor track record when they try to control Nature or interfere with God's plan !!
Don't you see the irony in your argument
Kill for sport - just like you
Partly consume elk- just like many hunters do
Next you'll argue that their camo is better that yours, their long range abilities are unfair and they can see better at night.
I too am a hunter but many of you have flawed arguments. There appear to be a few scientists out there though & for that I am happy
When my wife and I visited Australia we didn't SEE ANY wolves or grizzlies those who don't have to deal with them and the damage and Cost from losing cattle and horses to them find it easy to critize
When my wife and I visited Australia we didn't SEE ANY wolves or grizzlies those who don't have to deal with them and the damage and Cost from losing cattle and horses to them find it easy to critize
Right, The Aussies don't have any grizzlies or our kind of wolves they do however have the smaller Kola Bears and Dingo's which travel in very large packs. The rabbits, kangaroos and dingo's cause a lot of damage every year much more that our bears and wolves do but they are protected !
Humans have a very poor track record when they try to control Nature or interfere with God's plan !!
I really wanted to stay out of this train wreck, but as humans encroach on wildlife habitat, which grows every yr, it becomes necessary for man to do the managing. Just like it is mans job to manage this planet. Whether the right philosophies or people are in charge, I cannot say, but I assume plenty.
When wolves were scheduled to be reintroduced into the Yellowstone ecosystem, the agreement was their numbers would be controlled and hunted once they left the park. We know what happened there don't we. One big thing that should never be forgot either, is that this species of hybrid wolf had never been in the Yellowstone ecosystem, so introducing this species created an imbalance from the start.
morning, when the government state or federal can regulate
the land or the predators on this land. the gov. can really
screw up. when any predator is regulated by gov. endangered
or not their is no ryme sp or reason of what damage the said
predator is doing to wildlife. nature will suffer. if u let nature
do it's job nature will not suffer. keep the gov. out of
hunting and wildlife management. where the wolves
excessively destroying wildlife(including man) the eradication is necessary.
the wolves will be treated according. if not
the whole habit will suffer. back in the early 1900's
the country of Australia suffered from a large
abundance of wild hogs. the problem was so sever
the hogs were attacking and devouring people
(including children). the gov, of Australia hired
men in helicopters to use explosives to eradicate
the herds of hogs.. this solved the problems the
the hogs.
now here in Tx. we have a very large population
of feral hogs. they sell hunts from helicopters
using shotguns to exterminate the hogs, is working.
land owners in Tx. will charge $100 for a 100lb. hog
$1.00 per lb. over a 100lbs. this is why there is a problem
still exist here in Tx. MONEY rules.
there is a need to have a free hunting season on
wolves where there is a problem.
from what i read wolves r very hard to hunt?!
wolves r hunters. they kill game to eat. SO DO WE.
who is more important for monies earned thru hunting
supplies, licenses to save the environment. MAN.
without the monies acquired thru hunting
states will suffer as will our wildlife!!!
to the tree huggers. go to the states where wolves
r a problem. buy several! take these predators. U FEED THEM.
justme gbot tum

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