Deer with Covid?

If you're not kissing or rubbing noses with Covid Infected deer I wouldn't worry about it too much.

There's still little to no evidence of any sort of casual transfer of the infection.

Now if you want to bring a dozen covid deer in the house and sit around in a small room telling stories and drinking beer all night you might need to consider some Vitamic C and Zinc for a few days as a preventive.
Just tell the deer to wear a mask!
Just click on this:
It says deer could harbor covid.I hope not.
It's all propaganda and fear mongering into getting people to not eat meat and eat the governments, certain associations, certain foundations, private western central banks etc fake meat. Lots of these people are for population control and want you to eat bugs and whatever chemical based foods. They will be able to control what's in the food and if they don't like your political preferences and don't like what you say they will be able to cut you off. It's another way of CONTROLLING the public just like chy-na's social credit score!!
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SARS-CoV-2 got into the mink farms here in UT (and other places as well) last year. Genetic sequencing of these viruses showed it originated from the original Wuhan lab version. I guess they all had to be destroyed.

I know Steve Rinella from his Meateaters podcast talked about COVID occurring in a large percentage of road kill whitetails from Minnesota or Michigan. The question is - did these deer found mangled on the roadside die FROM COVID or WITH COVID?

I am skeptical of any reports that significant animal-to-human transmission is occurring. After all of the CDC and NIH/NIAID BS we got spoon-fed, I find it very hard to believe much of anything in the "mainstream" scientific literature, like the report on infected deer from NE Ohio, regarding potential deer-to-human transmission.

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