deer and shooting range caliber?


New Member
Jun 2, 2014
I'm looking to buy a rifle. it will be used to hunt deer and the odd varmint.

I also want it to be a fun shooter at the range. I reload. component availability and price is a factor.

i want it to have enough killing power up to 500 yards.

Thank you in advance!

for elk and the like I will get another rig this caliber is strictly for deer as the biggest game being hunted.

I was set on a 7mm08. but looking around in sporting good stores brass and factory ammo is sparse. I was then considering the 270win but hesitant because of the recoil.
I think you should still consider the 7mm-08. Although it's nice to have components and ammo in stock in the stores, because you reload I don't think that's even a factor. Another great cartridge would be something like the 6.5-284 Norma.
6.5 Creedmoor is another option. Brass was readily available during the last dry spell. Lots of great bullets for hunting AND target shooting. Very accurate cartridge and is used quite a bit in competitions. It's a 500 yard gun easily with high BC for bucking the wind.
Like Topgun I would recommend a 25-06. Availability of components and factory ammo a plus. The ballistics are impressive, I know a family in New Mexico that hunt elk with them. A variety of bullet weights makes it a great varminter also. Good luck
I think you should still consider the 7mm-08. Although it's nice to have components and ammo in stock in the stores, because you reload I don't think that's even a factor. Another great cartridge would be something like the 6.5-284 Norma.

I agree. Also stock 284 or 280, or 280ai would be on my list.

I have the 7-08 and 270 win and there's really not that much less recoil in the 7-08, but it is less. If I shoot 160s in my 7-08 it feels about like the 130s in my 270.

That said, my primary load in the 7-08 is a 139btsp clocking 2820, and I can shoot it, and have shot it a lot in a day and not really feel myself getting "recoil tired". The 270 is loaded with a stout load behind a 140 grain pill and it probably would wear on me sooner if I shot it as much.

For what you're seeking I'd say the 7-08 would fit the bill very well, and as to killing at 500 yards, the above mentioned load took a nice mule deer last fall at 430. It was my surprise. I told myself I wasn't going to shoot at one over 450, and preferred under 400. Rangefinder said 430 and the wind/conditions were ideal so I took it. It certainly increased my confidence in the killing power of the lowly 7-08.
I would go with a 6.5 as well, creedmore or 260 Remington are great options. For what you stated in your post I would lean towards the creedmore. Great ballistics for your listed ranges , not a powder hog and components for loading it will not break the bank. Good luck to you in whatever you decide.
I just bought a 6.5x284 for long range shooting and hunting. All the research I have done it is capable of killing ELK at long range so if you put it where it needs to be it, it will be more then fine with deer.
Since you are talking use of a bigger rifle for elk and such I would go a little smaller than many have recommended. I've shot a couple of dozen deer with my Sako 6mm Rem. I've shot them broadside, running away, in the head, behind brush from 2 yards to 200 yards. Killed them all with one shot using 100 grain Sierra Game Kings. I have also taken the rifle after p-dogs with 75 grain Hornady's. It is very accurate and has a 65,000 psi max pressure which gives added flexibility to the handloader compared to say the 243 Win.
I'm actually really interested in 6mm BR. Might not have the oomph for longer range deer but it would be a blast to shoot at the range and for use on varmints. I'm sure it would be adequate on deer at medium ranges.
280 AI
Or for the guy who likes ease of ammo and component availability
7mm Remington Mag.
Thanks for your input!

Something g to add

I aswell have a 30 30 that I have scoped. I was wanting a caliber that compliments the 336. I don't want much caliber overlap either.

Ideally what I want is a deer rig that I can also enjoy shooting at the range and not get punished.
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