Controversial Topic And Poll: Brown Bear & Slingshots

Do You Think Slingshots Should Be Legalized For Hunting Brown Bear?

  • Yes

    Votes: 791 48.3%
  • No

    Votes: 848 51.7%

  • Total voters
A slingshot is not the best choice for bear but it that is the only choice you have I would recommend using the longest highest bc projectile for that caliber. That being said you will have to use a higher twist in order to properly stabilize the flight. I would only use solid or bonded projectiles in order to control expansion. Also the draw length will need to be increased to gain velocity with that high twist high weight for caliber projectile. I would say 120 in minimum but 160 or 180 inches would probably be better. even with those modifications ranges should be kept fairly short and shot placement would be CRITICAL. I would also recommend a repeating weapon for fast followup shots. just my .02 cents
What's that weapon that David killed Goliath with? That thing seems more logical. I was working at Gander Mnt. A man wanted to buy a knife for his thirty year old son to deer hunt with. I showed him some reasonable knives for field dressing a deer. The man then explained to me that he planned on jumping out of the tree, onto the deer's back, and stab the deer in the base of the neck. I didn't even flinch, I just showed him the "Rambo special" and made the sale.

The sad truth is that wasn't the worst thing I ever heard. I had a guy ask me if we sold broad heads that "didn't hurt the deer".
"Do you think slingshots should be legalized for hunting brown bear in Alaska ?"


Good enough for little 'DAVID', it's good enough for me.

However, the time I hunted AK back in the day, pre pipe line, one needed a plan "A", "B" & "C".


"B"= 357 Combat Mag.

"C"= 2 prayers.

Prayer 1. Lord, please help me to take this Bear.

IF~N....As you are sending up prayer # one, you observe the Bear kneeling and you hear him say "Lord we thank you for the food we are about to receive"..........It IS TIME to jump to:

Prayer # 2................"LORD PLEASE HELP ME TO OUT RUN BILLY BOB"!

:rolleyes:......Sorry if some one already posted this & "bless the pygmys in NewGuinea"!
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"Do you think slingshots should be legalized for hunting brown bear in Alaska ?"


"B"= 357 Combat Mag.

Something great about anyone who would even think to take a bear in Alaska packing my 2 favorite calibers. If i ever get a bear tag where i want ill be going up with my .270 700 ADL and S&W 586 :)
I think people are greatly underestimating the value of a good spotter for this adventure.
This is not that bad an idea as long as your spotter has two important qualities.

1. He is expendable

2. I can out rum him!

This is the funniest thread ever.
Aww comon now. Lets make it a fair fight. No slingshots or swords or billy clubs. If yer gonna do it, do it right! Bare Knuckles

huhh... you go first :rolleyes:
The sad truth is that wasn't the worst thing I ever heard. I had a guy ask me if we sold broad heads that "didn't hurt the deer".

Yea Vic, scary part is he can VOTE and cancel your vote. Then hatch a bunch more that think like that. Can't have nothing! :rolleyes:
Yep and they already allow them. Although it is currently called bow hunting. Just a big wrist rocket.
I've seen a few slingshots that would actually be capable. Of course it was a 3 man operation, 2 holding each end of the tube, and one more to pull it back the 20ft to launch it. Stealth might be an issue, but at least you'd have a little range. If you can't get 2000fps out of it, just launch cinder blocks at it. :D
I want to watch the videos of the hunt, it'll be like watching that one dude who went to live with them until they decide they wanted some fresh fruit,,,lol
Yes , anyone crazy enough to hunt a Brown Bear with a sling shot needs to be weeded out so they dont pass one their genes!
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