LRH Group Outfitted Hunt POLL.

Future LRH Group Outfitted Hunt Options

  • Deer

    Votes: 309 38.0%
  • Elk

    Votes: 365 44.8%
  • Antelope

    Votes: 194 23.8%
  • Combo - 2 Species

    Votes: 228 28.0%
  • Ranch Setting

    Votes: 193 23.7%
  • Wilderness Setting

    Votes: 266 32.7%
  • I have deer points WY

    Votes: 93 11.4%
  • I have elk points WY

    Votes: 84 10.3%
  • I have antelope points WY

    Votes: 80 9.8%
  • I have deer points CO

    Votes: 88 10.8%
  • I have elk points CO

    Votes: 90 11.1%
  • I have antelope points CO

    Votes: 32 3.9%
  • I have deer points MT

    Votes: 24 2.9%
  • I have elk points MT

    Votes: 33 4.1%
  • I have antelope points MT

    Votes: 13 1.6%
  • I may be interested in going

    Votes: 335 41.2%
  • Definitely not interested in going

    Votes: 119 14.6%

  • Total voters

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
NOTE: We'll be offering several outfitted LRH Group Hunts starting right after the New Year. Stay tuned!

Outfitted LRH Group Hunt POLL

As you may have noticed we are organizing outfitted LRH Group Hunts. We have 3 setup so far. Two in 2013 and one in 2015. Those filled up very quickly.

Read about them >>> LRH Group Hunt Forum

I'll be organizing some more outfitted LRH Group Hunts soon. I'd like to get some input from you to aid me in organizing the next hunts.

So the questions in this POLL are for those of you who are likely to go on an outfitted hunt somewhere in the next few years.

LRH Group Hunt POLL questions

Combo - 2 Species

Ranch setting
Wilderness setting

Do you have points:
I have deer points WY
I have elk points WY
I have antelope points WY
I have deer points CO
I have elk points CO
I have antelope points CO
I have deer points MT
I have elk points MT
I have antelope points MT

Might be interested
Definitely not interested
Last edited:
I would be interested in an elk hunt, as long as it isn't to many years in future I'm not getting any younger darn it. Maybe we could get Broz for a guide He has done awfully well this year:D:D. Will be going to Wy in 2013 for deer and antelope if drawn have a couple of points for each. If this comes about I will purchase elk points as soon as possible to start the process.


You already know exactly where I stand. If anyone cancels, I'll take the cancellation and wire you the funds, right now.

On future hunts, anything goes so long as it's not too far out. Neither you nor I are spring chickens so I don't really want to commit over 2 years becauise I might not be here and my wife ain't going in my place..........:D

I prefer a ranch setting over primitive but will do a primitive is absolutely necessary. I also prefer horseback, I'm an accomplished rider so a horse is second nature to me

I would just as soon pay a trespass fee and or non-resident permit and I'm not about antelope, bears or Canadian hunts.

You already know exactly where I stand. If anyone cancels, I'll take the cancellation and wire you the funds, right now.

On future hunts, anything goes so long as it's not too far out. Neither you nor I are spring chickens so I don't really want to commit over 2 years becauise I might not be here and my wife ain't going in my place..........:D

I prefer a ranch setting over primitive but will do a primitive is absolutely necessary. I also prefer horseback, I'm an accomplished rider so a horse is second nature to me

I would just as soon pay a trespass fee and or non-resident permit and I'm not about antelope, bears or Canadian hunts.

Daryl, I'm with you on the 2year comitment that would put me at 65 even though I'm in pretty good shape at my age 2years is a long time. I like you ,prefer a warm bed at night and a hot shower gets every thing loosend up for the next day:rolleyes:.

I'm in pretty good shape considering I left some of my parts in a hospital about 12 years ago. As a charter member of the zipper club I have to be cautious about what I do. Len is a bit older than I am but I'm past 60 a bit, plus 3.

My big concern is my sleep apena, I need to sleep on a machine every night or I get grumpy, out of sorts and tire easily. I have a lithium battery pack that runs the machine but it's only good for 2 days at a time and has to be recharged. No issue with a base camp or lodge with juice at an outlet, big issue in the boonies......

This is an interesting pastime in that when you are young most people can't afford to do this stuff or are raising families or have other commitments and then you get older, have the finances and the time but are in the process of falling apart.:D

You just can't win.....
My wife says I should ask how many of you guys are sitting at your family Christmas Eve gatherings, sneaking peeks at your mobile phones on LRH? :)
Re: LRH Group Hunt POLL.

Not me. Already stuffed my tummy at my in-laws and came home.

Actually, I'm electronics challenged enough that just having a normal cell phone is intimidating enough, besides, it's a company phone and they pay the bill.....:D
Back from church, daughter and granddaughters took off for parts unknown so I'm at my comp. and wife is at hers:D

Daryl, know what you mean about finances coming at what seems the wrong end of things. I'm gonna keep at it for as long as I can though, a good friend of mines dad is 82 he goes to Co. every year on an elk hunt he just got back couple of weeks ago. Maybe there is hope for us:cool:

Merry Christmas guys!!!
Back from church, daughter and granddaughters took off for parts unknown so I'm at my comp. and wife is at hers:D

Daryl, know what you mean about finances coming at what seems the wrong end of things. I'm gonna keep at it for as long as I can though, a good friend of mines dad is 82 he goes to Co. every year on an elk hunt he just got back couple of weeks ago. Maybe there is hope for us:cool:

Merry Christmas guys!!!

Mirror image here. I'm at my laptop and the wife is at her desktop on the other side of the room. She's playing some computer game, I don't know what...............

Dog is asleep under my feet.
I am in Nashville at in-laws and will be at my parents home in Texas by night fall. Visions of antlers and venison dance in my head......
like a few have said, some of us are getting older, nice to hunt next yr. would like to shoot a nice bull elk.
hello everyone,

just wanted to say merry christmas and a happy new year.

i am a sporting clay guy for the most part. But want to start longrange shooting i know it is completely different then what i am use to so any help is welcome. Starting out with a 338 lap with a 5-22 nightforce to see out that far. Live in s.w. Pa. Looking to take out coyotes. I know it over kill but they are all over the place.


cool web site.:)

I'm certainly not overweight at all. In fact, my BMI is right where it should be. I'm very active and not at all sedetary. I'm a farmer btw.

Sometimes I think the sleep apena has a lot to do with being married for 30 years. Put on the mask and the wife becomes irrevelant in about 30 seconds.....:D
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