Cleaning bolt action

It is a good solvent, And it attracts moisture. I seldom use it for cleaning barrels unless I am trying to remove lapping compounds.
It does a good job of removing the compound and then I just patch and oil.

Just Me

So to properly clean the chamber just wet a patch with wd40 to prevent it from attracting dust in the barrel?
Some brake cleaners have chlorides that can damage some alloy's so I don't recommend them because they don't always come with contents listed or only the most active ingredient. carburetor cleaner falls in to the same group as far as I am concerned. Work in chemical plants for over 30 years has taught me that chemicals can do great harm to certain alloys, so I avoid products that are not purposely designed for a use, especially some stainless's.

Just Me

Thank you for the heads up. I have used carb. cleaner for hard to get to areas, but now thanks to you I will stop doing so. I had no idea that carb. cleaner could damage some metals. I know that most plastics do not like it.
I have all Dewey rods and use Possum Hole Bore guides.

What do you all clean your action and lugs with? I have not done well at cleaning this area.

Thanks all,

I use an old aluminum/carbon arrow cut off to 18-20 inches leaving the threaded insert. I put a 45 caliber nylon brush on the threaded end and glue a wood file handle on the cut off end for easy holding. Use large shotgun patches and you can get every crack and crevice.
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