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Mar 25, 2007
Here is the first AHT bullet in the line. The Absolute Hammer Tipped. Quite a bit of testing on this one and some tweaking to the Absolute design that is an improvement.

.264 Cal-105gr Hammer AHT™ - Hammer Bullets

AT THIS TIME TIPS ARE CONSUMER INSTALLED TIPPING BLOCK INCLUDED WITH EACH ORDER The Absolute Hammer™ design has exceptionally low engraving pressure because it is designed so that the ogive of the bullet can not be engraved by the rifling. As a result these bullets will take more or faster...
Can you tell me what the difference is between the HHT and the AHT is?
HHT (Hammer Hunter Tipped)
AHT (Absolute Hammer Tipped)

The Hammer Hunters are true to bore size for bullet shank diameter.

The Absolute Hammers are a reduced shank size with drive bands that are true to bore diameter to create less engraving and pressure. Supposed to get higher velocities by reducing pressures due to less bearing surface contact and friction. Like a "bore rider" design. I have found about 100+fps faster in similar weights (129AH vs 131HH). They take a bit of reloading knowledge to load, as they are a different breed of bullet and don't follow standard powder choices or charge weights to get the full benefit.
@ButterBean, what exactly is the 6.5 Beanmore? I've seen lots of post on this forum plus the stuff you can buy on Hammer's site. But I'm unfamiliar with what you've done to that cartridge.
Here is your answer:
The amazing guys at Hammer knew of @ButterBean's dislike of the 6.5 Creedmoor so they developed a 6.5 on a 308 case and named it the Beanmore after our friend @ButterBean.
