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  • Following your post on shooting to the left, it sounds like you're in western WA. I'm in Seattle, what part of WW are you in? I'm interested in your note that you might head east for some distance shooting - my range is limited to 300 yards (Kenmore rifle range), and I've been wondering if there somewhere in eastern WA where I could shoot out to 1k. Do you know of any spots over there where that's possible? thx
    I have a buddy over in Moses lake that has access to huge farmlands. It’s tough cus it’s about 4.5 hours and I’ve drove over and shot the day and drove back. Not again. I’ll camp the night. There’s also a 1500 range before Spokane but it’s spendy. I use the windy app before I go


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    You can also shoot the 600 match at Tacoma sportsman. It’s a little discouraging the first few times if you’re not dialed in but still fun. Also, I shoot at the range in pe ell
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