Bullets that REALLY work!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2008
hauser, id.
This topic comes up over and over so I'm going to ask the question? If you could buy a bullet with a higher B.C. than anything manufactured by the major bullet makers and one that would open reliably at long range and was still effective at close range, how much would you pay for same? I've been making bullets for 5 years now and make one that will do just that! I have only produced them for family and a few friends with no previous intention of selling them. If I thought it was worthwhile, I might give it some thought. I started doing this for the same reasons that I hear constantly on this forum. POOR performance except at narrow range bands. I only make .308 currently but here is a sample of B.C's. 180gr.(.675) 210 gr.(.787) 225 gr.(.843) I guess if I was going to do this, I would need to become a sponsor, so this is not an ad. Just looking for feedback?...Richlightbulb
This topic comes up over and over so I'm going to ask the question? If you could buy a bullet with a higher B.C. than anything manufactured by the major bullet makers and one that would open reliably at long range and was still effective at close range, how much would you pay for same? I've been making bullets for 5 years now and make one that will do just that! I have only produced them for family and a few friends with no previous intention of selling them. If I thought it was worthwhile, I might give it some thought. I started doing this for the same reasons that I hear constantly on this forum. POOR performance except at narrow range bands. I only make .308 currently but here is a sample of B.C's. 180gr.(.675) 210 gr.(.787) 225 gr.(.843) I guess if I was going to do this, I would need to become a sponsor, so this is not an ad. Just looking for feedback?...Richlightbulb


That's how most bullet smiths got started. They made them for them-self and then friends
then started selling them.

I would be interested in trying some of them In my RUM.

Please PM me and give me more details and a way to get in touch with you.

What twist is required to stabilize those bullets?

How did you arrive at the BC values?

What is the material?
Do you have pics and test results of some kind? From the sound of things, I'd say they've killed a few critters up close and far away--could you share any results with pics perhaps. I would certainly think there'd be some market (enough to make it worth your while...well, who knows) on this site and folks would gladly welcome learning about what you are doing at the very least. I sure would like to know more.
I would like to know more about them too. Such as max velocity before coming apart, twist requirement, accuracy...
I'll try to answer several questions at once. Materials are copper alloy, pure lead and aluminum. I can chemically bond the jacket and core for use at higher velocities. I also have a sleeve insert for even higher velocities. B.C's are computer generated, but should be close. A 10 twist should stabilize any that I mentioned. I've fired them in my 300 RUM in excess of 3500 fps. This one is a new design so haven't tested as thoroughly yet but the old similarly designed bullet has killed elk, moose, bear and deer at 50-1000 yds. with excellent results. I don't have pics on line as I'm not that high tech yet:D I'll try to work on that....Rich
Rich, sounds very intereting. I'm interested in same questions already asked. And have you tested your BC's with actual drops?

How much woul I pay? Let's look at the GS HV 177...

-It is a highly reliable monometal that will work VERY effectively at ALL velocities down to 1600 fps.

-It's BC is ~ .62 ave G1

-It's design will get 100-200 fps more velocity than other bullets of it's weight class. Since it is a low pressure/high velocity bullet, it is a contender for RL17 which would boost it's MV even more. I would expect to get ~ 3600 fps with it out of my 300 RUM.

At that MV, @ 6000' elevation, @ 1400 yds down range, it is moving 1870 fps with a KE of 1372 and a momentum of 47 lb ft, which makes it a 1400 yd elk rifle and a 1600 yd deer rifle.

Including shipping, these bullets are just over $2 ea which brings my reloading costs to about $2.60 per round....ouch!!! With 180 E-Tips, which expand down to 1800 fps, my RUM is an 1100 yd elk and deer rifle @ about $1.25 per round. Is the extra $1.35 per worth it??? I am debating that... but would at least want to give the GS bullets a try to see how they shoot.

So, how much I woukld pay would probably lie somewhere between the cost of the E-Tips and the GS's, depending on their accuracy, BC, etc...

It sounds very interesting,

I haven't field tested these for drop as yet and probably won't get a chance until spring with my "REAL" job and all:D I MIGHT consider getting a few out there for someone to try??....Rich
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