Build or not to build new rifleitus


Active Member
Nov 28, 2012
Hudson, wi
I been thinking about another 7mm currently have a 24" m70 Shilen #4 barrel. But it is light. Has more kick than I like. I shooting a lot of .260 rem. I am going to start shooting more at longer ranges, 600. So, I been thinking about something like a Sendero, or maybe build a custom with a 26" barrel and a break coming in about 9 to 10 with a scope. Scope I would probably go with a Ziess conquest 2-10 hd5 rz600 reticle. Could rebarrel the other 7mm and add a stock. But, nice to have that for hunting for Black Bear. Or just add a nice stock and call it good. If I do anything else other than the 7mm it would be in the 6.5 again. I used to shoot my old .300 to 600 a lot. But, as I got older I am finding no advantage for my purposes for the .300. And like the lighter recoiling rifles. I hunt at max ranges to 400. And that is very rare. Most all my hunting is within 10- 300. So question should I just a a break to my older 70? Or build, or buy a new one for longer range shooting. Primarily a shooter, not hunting.
I had a .308 built by a real good rifle builder here in Ca. The rifle is very accurate, but with optic and rifle it ran me about $7000. I just picked up a Rem 700 R5 300 Win Mag and with factory 180's it shoots half MOA. Now to back track a bit. I did install a Timney trigger, Seekins 20 MOA base and rings, Vortex PST, ACC muzzle break. The rifle recoils less than my 308. So $2,700 compared to a custom $7,000 rifle. I feel very lucky that an other wise stock Rem shoots lights out.
I been thinking about another 7mm currently have a 24" m70 Shilen #4 barrel. But it is light. Has more kick than I like. I shooting a lot of .260 rem. I am going to start shooting more at longer ranges, 600. So, I been thinking about something like a Sendero, or maybe build a custom with a 26" barrel and a break coming in about 9 to 10 with a scope. Scope I would probably go with a Ziess conquest 2-10 hd5 rz600 reticle. Could rebarrel the other 7mm and add a stock. But, nice to have that for hunting for Black Bear. Or just add a nice stock and call it good. If I do anything else other than the 7mm it would be in the 6.5 again. I used to shoot my old .300 to 600 a lot. But, as I got older I am finding no advantage for my purposes for the .300. And like the lighter recoiling rifles. I hunt at max ranges to 400. And that is very rare. Most all my hunting is within 10- 300. So question should I just a a break to my older 70? Or build, or buy a new one for longer range shooting. Primarily a shooter, not hunting.
Order a brake from Northwest Precision for your old .300 and put a limbsavers recoil pad on it and you will be set.

I shoot 2.10's out of my lightweight M70 300 Rum with that same set up and it's pure fun to shoot.

Have the same brake on several other rifles including my .375 Ruger and it's a blast to shoot now with everything up to 300gr.
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