Best ballistics app?

I have been using Shooter for several years and really like it, I'm a "technically challenged" old guy so simple is way better :)
I'm guessing this will blow your mind if you are technically challenged, but here goes nothing.

You can upload (send) your gun and bullet profiles to one of their servers and if you ever need it, you have all your info backed up in the cloud and can grab that info anytime you need it in about 1 minute.


Hit that button, which will take you to this screen below.


Fill in the top 3 sections, and then hit "Sync Action", which will take you to this screen.


If you want to send info from your phone or iPad to the server, you want to send from device to web, and if you want to pull info from the cloud, you want to send from web to the device. Then hit the back button and go back one screen. That will take you back to this screen.


Once you have those the way you want them, hit. "Register" if you have never done this and need an account. Once you have that set up, hit "Sync", and it is instantaneous assuming you are connected. I don't recall what the registration process entails but I don't remember it being difficult at all.

As I said, this can be a great backup if you ever need it, and it is also super handy if you use multiple devices (phone and iPad). It is free and easy. But one note…it is easy to get the sync wrong if you are not paying close attention. If you hit the wrong button, you can't undo it. But as long as you pay attention it is easy.
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I have been using Shooter for several years and really like it, I'm a "technically challenged" old guy so simple is way better :)
In addition to being IT impaired & old, 90%+ areas I hunt here in AK have no cell service so to preserve battery, phone's off or A-P mode just long enough to take a photo. So cloud access is no go; receiving weather data via cell is no go; I'm perceiving that practice, & likely a simple wind meter, are gonna be my default "system". Correction welcome if I've missed something.
The number of students that show up here running the aforementioned apps that can't run click for click to even 500yds, is astonishing. Yet I guess if we all shoot big enough targets, everything will work, right?

AB Mobile is the best of them, due to its versatility and accuracy.

In close second place, especially for those using hornady bullets... is hornady's app.

The rest are just more noise in an already noisy discipline.

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