Berger's Eric Stecker shoots 0.054 inch 100 yard group at 2011 Kelbly’s Super Shoot

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
Incredible! 5 shots into 0.054 inches.


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Re: Berger's Eric Stecker shoots 0.054 inch 100 yard group at 2011 Kelbly's Super Sho

I wonder what his "Zone" felt like, as 'in the zone'?

Been in the shooting 'zone' twice in my life. It'll live with ya for ever!

Good goin'!!

Oh, hows about a story Erik, or should we send a sports caster to call the color?:D
Re: Berger's Eric Stecker shoots 0.054 inch 100 yard group at 2011 Kelbly's Super Sho

Any one know know what caliber or bullet he was shooting
Re: Berger's Eric Stecker shoots 0.054 inch 100 yard group at 2011 Kelbly's Super Sho

Great question, what was he shooting?
Re: Berger's Eric Stecker shoots 0.054 inch 100 yard group at 2011 Kelbly's Super Sho

More than likely a 6PPC. While that is certainly an impressive group, it is only one fifth of the total, to make an aggregate. He needed 4 more groups. The 100 yd. Light Varmint winner shot a .1538 agg. Mr. Stecker did not place in the top 20. Again, an outstanding group no doubt, but it takes five groups to win.
Re: Berger's Eric Stecker shoots 0.054 inch 100 yard group at 2011 Kelbly's Super Sho

The smallest group I had shot prior to this one is a .055 at 100 yards shot some time ago at the NBRSA Nationals in Midland TX. Roy is correct that I can remember every moment of both. For the .054 group I was shooting my Stolle LV in 6PPC. The bullet is a relatively new one to our line. It is the 6mm 65 gr WEB.

It is a new design from Bryan specifically tailored for the short range precision shooting. I would go into details about this design but we are still testing. I believe that either this bullet or a close weight in this design will become a top performer in short range precision shooting.

Eddie is correct in that it does take 5 good groups to win a class/yardage agg. On the same day I shot this .054 I also shot a group larger than .500. I don't remember that one nearly as well.

Competition BR shooting is an endless pursuit of absolute perfection. I am among many of those in attendance that wants to take a few shots back. Even though this is true I'll display with pride my set of coasters which is the award for smallest group of the day. I was told by many that they have been shooting a long time to get one of these sets. It is a very nice set.

On a related note, the shooter who won the two gun (overall winner) was also the same shooter who won the Heart Break award for the prior year because he had one shot that took him out of the over all win. It is extremely impressive for him to be so close the previous year and then win the following year. Eunice did exactly the same thing when she won. I believe they are the only two people to do so.

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Re: Berger's Eric Stecker shoots 0.054 inch 100 yard group at 2011 Kelbly's Super Sho

Eric, I know what you mean. At the Hog Roast in 2001, I opened up in the HV 100 yd with an .079. The next was a .510. From hero to zero!
Re: Berger's Eric Stecker shoots 0.054 inch 100 yard group at 2011 Kelbly's Super Sho

Well congrats on the new set of Coasters, hope those bullets keep performing like that.
Re: Berger's Eric Stecker shoots 0.054 inch 100 yard group at 2011 Kelbly's Super Sho

Eric...congratulations and fabulous shooting !!!
Thank-you for your on-going contribution to the shooting world.

My factory SAKO AI 6PPC sporter/repeater loves your discontinued 62gr. Match flat base bullets with H322
Al @ Sherwood Park, Alberta
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Re: Berger's Eric Stecker shoots 0.054 inch 100 yard group at 2011 Kelbly's Super Sho

For 5 rounds that is amazing!! I have done something very close to that twice with three shots Once with witnesses once I took pictures but with other holes on the target I could never prove it. Both times with the same ammo, and it was factory ammo at that. Hornady Heavy Mag 300 win mag 180 standard interlock out of a bone stock model 700 LSS made in 92. That is one amazingly accurate rifle! 5 shots is unreal!!! How do you even measure a group like that. They look like a single entry point one shot hole. without really getting down and looking at it one would think that all other shots missed all together. When I had witnesses My scope was jacked up and the reticles would not move and we were getting ready for a hunt. I was shooting a blank posterboard with no holes and we could not see where I hit when my cousin examined the hole and said that is all of them! when we compare a single round shot through the board you could tell that the one with three it looked ragged where this one almost resembled a wad cutter hole.
Re: Berger's Eric Stecker shoots 0.054 inch 100 yard group at 2011 Kelbly's Super Sho

Heck, with the paper targets that I use, a one shot group makes a bigger hole than that!! Good shooting , Eric.!!
Re: Berger's Eric Stecker shoots 0.054 inch 100 yard group at 2011 Kelbly's Super Sho


Thank you for your kind comments. It is always fun to shoot tight groups.


Behind each target during registered bench rest matches and during the Super Shoot, there is a wide piece of thin cardboard that moves back and forth behind the record target. When all the bullets go through one hole in the record target you will have 5 clear and seperate holes in the moving backer.

This cardboard serves as proof that all five bullets passed through the record target. Additionally, during large matches like the Super Shoot, after the bullet passes through the "moving backers" it passes through a third piece of cardboard which serve to prove that all 5 shots came from the same rifle. This is to prevent and resolve crossfire situations.

Even though these measures are in place so that a perfect bullet size hole can be proven to have been created with 5 shots, most of the time you don't need them. :)

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