Berger 156 EOL 6.5 fail?

Seriously, 😂
Try the automotive industry,snowmobiling industry etc. there are know models that produce or were produced that were failures

Let's not sugar coat this because we are invested or bought a 2011 Polaris or a particular "model".

Yes more qtys sold are going to produce more opportunity for complaints. But generally patterns are produced and I like to weed bad ones out.
Why wouldn't we want that?

Can you buy a brand new lemon off the showroom floor? Of course you can.........the higher the production rate the more likelihood of this happening.

I have no problems with "patterns" based off solid testing procedures with ample quality data.

What I do have a problem with is the bandwagon theories.....XXXXX bullet sucks because so and so said it does and I seen the video.

Again Google is your friend.....if you think there is a bullet made that someone somewhere hasn't had an issue with I'd be totally shocked.
Ok, so I guess my decade and half of shooting bergers on big game with amazing success (100%, including the 156EOL) is just a figment of my imagination because some people on the internet say so.
I don't care how much you name drop, who you know, how many animals you puff yourself up with which seems to be a big one lately. How far your longest kill has been. How many doubles or triples you have. How expensive you think your top shelf goods are. How many times you publish your own quotes. You must be awesome. Just remember as good as you might think you are there is always better.

Theories can be beneficial
Experience is far more valuable? Lol

You are missing the point it has nothing to do with a decade+
What people are seeing and proving out is failures. Some are simply trying to determine why? This isn't just keyboard warriors these are people with valid points and credentials that can surpass your wealth of knowledge. Don't speak as though you are above any here.
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When checking the hollow point what specifically are you looking for?

Do you have picture to share maybe?

I check for folded jackets or possibly the lead core farther up in the point of the bullets. I have two different diameter pins for this test as some bullets have smaller openings than others.

1.Actual pin length
2.Folded jacket or lead core is to the tip.
3.I consider this to be correct.

I don't care how much you name drop, who you know, how many animals you puff yourself up with which seems to be a big one lately. How far your longest kill has been. How many doubles or triples you have. You must be awesome. Just remember as good as you might think you are there is always better.
Says the guy trying to throw dirt on one of the greatest American bullet manufacturers.

Countless successes with berger bullets, and we're suppose to ignore that because some crabby people on the internet that rarely shoot think they are bad?

Generally, people don't have a clue, and love to offload their inability to properly place a shot on the bullet maker. I've watched a guy shoot a round clean over the back of a deer, and then complain for the next 3 days about how he's never shooting that bullet again, because he was convinced it was a pass through... as if somehow penciling through both lungs wouldn't have resulted in a dead animal. The only legitimate complaint is lack of penetration. Splash wounds are real, and some bullets certainly do it. Berger is not known for it.

Fewer people shooting berger means more bullets for me. So please, continue the bashing. It won't amount to a singular blip on bergers radar. Even now being owned by europeans... the guys that work there are still decidedly American. I'll keep shooting them, as well as other American bullets. I'll be happy, while every single day some guy like you gets on here and tries to damage people's businesses and hurt people.

If anyone really cared about anything, we'd never hear of issues. People would deal with manufacturers directly and discreetly. If they wanted to help build instead of tear down, there's easy paths to do so. Instead, people want to prop up their false internet personality by claiming false authority by playing the victim and being the "lone voice of dissent" regarding popular products. I've seen it play out countless times over the past 20 years.
Says the guy trying to throw dirt on one of the greatest American bullet manufacturers.

Countless successes with berger bullets, and we're suppose to ignore that because some crabby people on the internet that rarely shoot think they are bad?

Generally, people don't have a clue, and love to offload their inability to properly place a shot on the bullet maker. I've watched a guy shoot a round clean over the back of a deer, and then complain for the next 3 days about how he's never shooting that bullet again, because he was convinced it was a pass through... as if somehow penciling through both lungs wouldn't have resulted in a dead animal. The only legitimate complaint is lack of penetration. Splash wounds are real, and some bullets certainly do it. Berger is not known for it.

Fewer people shooting berger means more bullets for me. So please, continue the bashing. It won't amount to a singular blip on bergers radar. Even now being owned by europeans... the guys that work there are still decidedly American. I'll keep shooting them, as well as other American bullets. I'll be happy, while every single day some guy like you gets on here and tries to damage people's businesses and hurt people.

If anyone really cared about anything, we'd never hear of issues. People would deal with manufacturers directly and discreetly. If they wanted to help build instead of tear down, there's easy paths to do so. Instead, people want to prop up their false internet personality by claiming false authority by playing the victim and being the "lone voice of dissent" regarding popular products. I've seen it play out countless times over the past 20 years.
I gave you a "like" so your brain will interpret it as a "reward". You will now have an increase of dopamine so you will do it again. I'm out.
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I gave you a "like" so your brain will interpret it as a "reward". You will now have an increase of dopamine so you will do it again. I'm out.
Why are you such an angry person? Why is it so important for you to rip down Berger? Why when I step in to offer some perspective, do I become the focus of your anger?

I think if you look closely, you'll see that nothing you are mad about in your life... is my fault.
Why are you such an angry person? Why is it so important for you to rip down Berger? Why when I step in to offer some perspective, do I become the focus of your anger?

I think if you look closely, you'll see that nothing you are mad about in your life... is my fault.
What was I doing to ruin Berger? I showed a elk with a perfect shot with a bullet failure? I have had 6 to this date than I can rule as a failure to me. I'm not mad at all. I do not take well to your condescending undertone is all.
This is what forums are for, to discuss good, bad, and ugly etc. I like to decide what is valid to me and that's all.
I don't think it is a disservice to show failures or anything subpar.
That shouldn't and will not cripple Berger. I want feedback in my business as I bet you would too?hopefully legitimate patterns grow… wether you feel valid or not not
I said prior I still shoot Berger along with many others. If I have failures with rifle actions, barrels, etc I will share my mishaps and let the rest of the public decide on their own.

Have a great day
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I'm not mad at all. I do not take well to your condescending undertone is all.
I thought you were "out?" Is it normal for people that aren't mad to have angry outbursts and "storm out?" Twice? Just because you are feeling inferior, doesn't mean I meant to make you feel that way, nor does it mean I feel superior. I made a VERY valid point about popularity creating a false perception... and then you started talking about snowmobiles. lol

Your posts are condemning and you know it... and you know you're trying to get people to agree with you in your condemnation, so why try to deny it?

If you're not mad, then for certain acting childish... because people that aren't mad and childish don't go changing their avatar when they throw a tantrum on a forum. So go ahead and keep acting like a scolded teenager. See if it makes you feel better, stronger, and more intelligent. It certainly doesn't make your argument stronger or make anyone that matters respect you.

Why does so many of us having such amazing success with berger bother you so much? I don't need or want an answer to that, because it's clear you're too emotional to even have a dialogue. I'm sorry you're having such a tough time and I hope whatever is giving you the excuse to behave this way is worked out very soon. It's clearly something unpleasant.
Interesting, are you saying 25% of the animals he shoots escape or that you lose 25% of the meat from the animals he kills?
To date we've only lost a handful of animals - like 3 out of over 20 shot with Bergers or soft jacketed lead cup bullets. Some of the bullets hit in the shoulder area where they grenaded and the elk were knocked off their feet but got up and required a second or third shot. One that penciled thru happened to take out the heart and was dead after a short dash DOWN the canyon. I still count those as bullet failures. Last year my partner shot a cow elk at 350+ yds and it got up and walked off. Luckily we found that elk the next day and I filled my tag with it. There was shrapnel throughout the near side ham where the bullet had struck the previous day.
Do you really think your comments help your business?
Read your reviews online and get back with me 😉
We have fantastic reviews. Overwhelmingly positive. I literally get thanked on a daily basis, usually by multiple people. It's quite a blessing actually. You just attack, attack, attack... and it's so sad. Your approach is so worn out. Someone disagrees with you, and you attack. You throw a tantrum, multiple times, claiming "you're out," but here you are still. You'll sit here claiming you're not angry, when it's clear you've lost control of your emotions... lost the argument... and now you want to focus all that anger on me and feign concern for my business just as everyone like you does on these forums on every previous occasion where I have a differing opinion. What of the actual topic? Need to attack me for putting pressure on you to change from your wicked condemning attacks on a very reputable bullet manufacturer. Show me the email you sent Berger informing them of your "feedback." Show me their response. If you want to help, surely those things exist.

No, you just want to drag people through the mud. I'm sure some people that are equally angry with me and love bashing me every chance they get will be along shortly to help you drag me. Funny how everyone wants grace but they aren't willing to extend it to anyone. All I said was that the popularity of a thing will create a much larger perception as a function of sheer numbers... which is something that is a statistical fact and can't even be argued, yet here we are. Our customers know what is real. My name is real. This business is real. My experience is real. Our customers experiences with us are real. Anonymous personalities being hostile on the internet isn't real.

I gave you every opportunity to allow for the fact that a great many people are having fantastic experiences with the very bullet you're bashing. I hope the void in your life gets filled... and if I was able to be the focal point of your nastiness rather than have someone else here be bludgeoned by it for even a little while, then that's fine with me. I hope you find the peace you so desperately need. I forgive you, but I condemn your ways. Hopefully you have a brighter day, and I hope the next person you mistreat like this is as forgiving of you as I have been.

180gr berger hybrid at 755yds. It seems to have worked.