Bench Source annealing questions

Dr. Vette

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2009
Holland, MI
I bought a Bench Source annealing machine this week and had a chance to play with it tonight. Cases are FC brand 270 Winchester, and the Tempilaq is 650 (yellow) and 450 (lt gray). I ran several cases through at 3, 3.5 and 4 seconds as tests.

First, do the torches (flame) appear close enough, or should I get the end of the flame tip closer?

Second, I have pics of a pair of each test (3, 3.5 and 4). I would appreciate it if anyone who uses one of these could help me fine tune my settings so that I can start annealing some cases for real.

Pics are:

case in flame

all 3 tests

3.0 sec

3.5 sec

4.0 sec



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Three sec looks fine to me, i time mine so the case leaves the flame right as the color of the flame changes from blue-orange.
Three sec looks fine to me, i time mine so the case leaves the flame right as the color of the flame changes from blue-orange.

You just wanted me to go back to the garage and check that out, didn't you Riley? :D

That would be about 3.6 seconds, as 4 is definitely all orange around the neck.
Lol no, i have just found that gives a good anneal and is easy to do for a bunch of different cartridges without the mess of tempilaq each time.
It appears to me that your torches are aimed just a little too low.

I have never had a case that showed a line across the middle of the neck.

If the color change at mid-neck is due to the upper part being hotter then I would move the torches a little farther away until the line on the neck disappears. My 2 cents

Lol no, i have just found that gives a good anneal and is easy to do for a bunch of different cartridges without the mess of tempilaq each time. look good to go, congratulations......the next thing you know you will feel obligated to anneal after every firing!!! The bench source is so easy to use that it's now a regular part of my loading cycle......deprime, SS media, neck size, anneal, primer, powder bullet.

I'm officially an annealing addict:)
Three sec looks fine to me, i time mine so the case leaves the flame right as the color of the flame changes from blue-orange.

Yes, I have it leaving the flame just as the flame goes orange or yellow. But I want it on its way out as soon as this happens. It you turn the lights off at night you will notice this will have the brass coming out of the flame with only a dull brick red color on the neck only. "Dull Brick red and no glow, just the first indication of any red"

Also I would move the torches in closer so the blue tip of the flame is right on the brass.

I center one flame on the neck and one on the shoulder.

These are pictures the ownerof Bench Source sent me to help me set mine up.


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Thanks guys. I just ran a couple more, and one of the torches is definitely a bit too low. I will probably aim it up a bit so it gets the neck more. The line on the neck is from not enough heat getting there. Thankfully 270 brass is cheap. :)

Per Lost Creek's photos my distance to the flame looks good, but I'm definitely aiming too low. Thanks for those pics.

Broz, what type of adapter/hose did you get to use an LP tank with 2 torches?
Here are some 30-06 caases from tonight. Looks like they are doing much better. When I run them they "just" start to get a slight orange hue before they are kicked out and the next one comes on line. Slight purplish hue near the case mouth is noted.


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