well just going to say this, take as you want
after decades in the gun business and after having been a class III dealer
I have meet and befriended a lot of folks in a lot of places
and I was once told this by a person I believe, as have been told like things several other times by others I trusted
when it comes to the ATF processing paper work, there is NO time frame, things can sit on a desk for weeks or months or YEARS, the folks processing them have NO time frame they have to follow
they can get one thru in a few hours to an end\less wait if they feel like it!
so when anyone says it takes "X" time, its not set in any stone by any means!
and more likely just comes down to to the person working that got your paperwork to go thru, and how they feel like processing it,
as far as I know there are ZERO written rules on a time frame they have to follow, which means, its UP to the person your paper work landed on there desk!
and that person might NOT be so motivated!
Just be happy when you get it, was what I was told, as it could have been a LOT longer!
and these days , I imagine the work load is as high as its ever been, and well, finding GOOD workers, NOT such a easy deal! or just ones that are not ANTI gun minded folks!