Anyone use a 300. win mag for hunting?


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2010
Southern Ontario
Looking to start my first build ever shortly an im torn between 2 calibers with one being the 300. win mag. The slightly smaller 7mm rem mag is option number 2. I am an avoid moose hunter and is the reason for this build. I missed 2 opportunities at the largest bull i have ever seen last year cause of my rifle. I practice out too 500-600 yards with my factory rifles and have shot up too 800 on occasion on targets but i dont get the accuracy i would hope for that i can confidently take game at those ranges.

800 yards is my Max range and that is why i haven't stepped up in calibers. I am only interested in the these two. If you hunt with a 300. win mag what kind of build do you have? what is your load? what do you hunt? longest kill? pictures of rifle or game?
Both are great cartridges. I have both, but don't hunt moose.

I would lean towards the 300 and might even consider a 338WM, RUM, or Edge if moose was my primary quarry.

Once he steps into the cross hairs, it's a little late to start thinking about upsizing.

Having said that, I think there was an episode of BOTW where Porter put 2 in the boiler room on a moose at around 900yds for a successful kill. I beleive it was a 7RM. ...although they would've edited it had the moose run off wounded.

-- richard
Both are great cartridges. I have both, but don't hunt moose.

I would lean towards the 300 and might even consider a 338WM, RUM, or Edge if moose was my primary quarry.

Once he steps into the cross hairs, it's a little late to start thinking about upsizing.

Having said that, I think there was an episode of BOTW where Porter put 2 in the boiler room on a moose at around 900yds for a successful kill. I beleive it was a 7RM. ...although they would've edited it had the moose run off wounded.

-- richard

You said you own both. What kind of animals do you hunt and at what ranges? What is your comfort zone for both calibers on the animals you hunt. Like I said I am an avoid moose hunter but also go after black bear, caribou, whitetail and as of this year, elk. 800 yards is my max range. But would you feel safer shooting the 300 or 7mm. As of now I think I'm leaning towards the 300. Win mag
We hunt mostly whitetail, ferral hogs, coyotes, etc... in central and south Texas.

Both 7RM and 300WM have more than enough punch at any distance that I can actually range those animals with my Leica 1200 CRF. ...about 800 or so yards.

Most of our long range shooting is on paper from 500 to 1k. These are factory Senderos that shoot sub-MOA at 1k in good conditions. I have since built a couple of rifles that should top that.

Nonetheless, hunting wise, we have to work pretty hard to create a shot over 500 yds. Typical shots are 100-300yds.

My 14yo son took a doe last year at over 500 yds with the 7RM shooting a 180 Berger. It was pretty much bang flop. I'm sure the load would be sufficient for a whitetail at 800+. But, ranging, reading the wind, dialing, etc... before they walk another 10-20yds is quite challenging.

He had the cross hairs on one at a little over 700yds. I believe he would've made that shot. But, I was pretty sure the trajectory was going to take it right through the overhanging tree limbs. If they'd been hogs, it would've been worth the risk. But, it's hard to justify wounding a deer like that when with a little less effort you could take one cleanly at 100yds.

-- richard
I know the 7mm rem mag would do it and pretty good as long as the shot was good, i just feel like if im going to poke them at 800 i might as well not be disrespectful and hit them with a little more authority. i know its not much more but i feel the 210 is a little more. Plus i would feel a little more comfortable with a 300 giong after bear then the 7mm.
I originally bought my 30-378 Weatherby for long range hunting. 28 inch fluted barrel and brake. with 210 - 240 grain bullets you could take on most anything that doesn't bite back. It was do for it's third barrel and I was going to move up to the 338 - 378W

I for one am not a old caliber or mag person. I own a 7STW and it kicks a 7 mags butt. The 300 ultra mags kick the 300 win mags butt. Same with the old 338 mag. I owned the 338 Lapua.

The super 338's are really made to take out Bullwinkle at long ranges. Loaded with 275 - 300 grain bullets they will even take on big browns. But what it really comes down to is your recoil comfort zone.

My bear and moose gun is my 458 win mag. I always wanted to get a 416 rem mag. Lots of the outfitters seemed to like the 340 Weatherbys
I know both the 300. win mag and the 7mm rem mag.
Last year i was set on a 300 RUM or even to jump up to say a 338 Edge or something. Then i realized i dont need that kind of gun. its always nice to have and probably better but also a lot more expensive. I wanted a gun that had the power to take a moose at 800 yards. My max range. a gun that had factory ammo almost anywhere incase of anything. i do reload but just incase. I wanted a standard caliber and something i already have stuff to reload for. then i realize a 7mm rem mag would be it, or a 300. win mag. I figured the 300. win mag would do it the best.
Either the 7mm or .300 will work. Preferentially I'd take the 300, but only if you use 200 gr plus bullets. If you're going to shoot 160-180 gr go with the 7mm.
I don't currently have 300, but shot out a pre-war model 70 300 H&H, used it pretty much on everything with 200 Accubonds.
I will be throating it to shoot the 210 Bergers and will hopefully be shooting 2950fps! Top it all off with a vortex viper pst moa FFP that I have been working with! It won't be started yet but I can't wait for it to be finished
I love the 300 mag. I have a case that sits on top of my dresser that shot my first elk at 365 yards and there's never a time I look at it that I don't smile. I shot him with the 165 grain Interbonds. The first shot took him through the back of the lungs (I didn't hold for enough wind) and the second shot was the deal breaker. After the first shot I immediately jacked in another shell, held a little more wind and put one through both shoulders and he just toppled. I recovered the bullet from the first shot in the lungs underneath the offside skin and it looked beautiful. The bullet that went through his shoulders broke both of them and left a 2 inch exit on the other side. I could not have been happier at the time.

Things being what they are though, I knew my range limitations due to accuracy of that particular rifle were going to be 400 yards so I sold it and bought a 300 WSM (I had to try one out) and it's accurate enough that I'm currently comfortable shooting at 600 yards on game. I'm running the 185 grain Berger and I wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger on a moose at 500 and maybe even 6.

However, I'd love to get another 300 win so I can run the big 210 Bergers and shoot stuff out there a little further. I think with the set up you want to build, any moose within 800 yards will be dead on its feet. Good luck with the build!
If you hunt with a 300. win mag what kind of build do you have? what is your load? what do you hunt? longest kill? pictures of rifle or game?

I am a huge fan of the 300 Win. It is one killing machine. My rifle is a full custom Defiance action, McMillan stock, Broughton 28" barrel, JP bake, Nightforce NXS, on a 20 moa Near base and NF rings.

My load is H-1000 under a 210 Berger Hunting VLD in Lapua brass and a Fed 215 GM primer. Velocity is 2995 fps.


Here are a few results.

Last years bull @ 803 yards.


One of the many antelope, this one was 651 yards


My longest yote to date @ 1008 yards


and my spring bear at @378 yrds


So my vote goes for the 300 Win. Pretty hard to beat in my book.

Jeff gun)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I love the 300 mag. I have a case that sits on top of my dresser that shot my first elk at 365 yards and there's never a time I look at it that I don't smile. I shot him with the 165 grain Interbonds. The first shot took him through the back of the lungs (I didn't hold for enough wind) and the second shot was the deal breaker. After the first shot I immediately jacked in another shell, held a little more wind and put one through both shoulders and he just toppled. I recovered the bullet from the first shot in the lungs underneath the offside skin and it looked beautiful. The bullet that went through his shoulders broke both of them and left a 2 inch exit on the other side. I could not have been happier at the time.

Things being what they are though, I knew my range limitations due to accuracy of that particular rifle were going to be 400 yards so I sold it and bought a 300 WSM (I had to try one out) and it's accurate enough that I'm currently comfortable shooting at 600 yards on game. I'm running the 185 grain Berger and I wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger on a moose at 500 and maybe even 6.

However, I'd love to get another 300 win so I can run the big 210 Bergers and shoot stuff out there a little further. I think with the set up you want to build, any moose within 800 yards will be dead on its feet. Good luck with the build!

I currently own a 300. wsm and absolutely love the caliber. But my limitations right now is about 500-600 yards at the max. Its the perfect light weight carry around gun. The new gun will be my do it all from 800 yards and closer. I dont want it to heavy cause i will bring it everywhere but want it some what heavy for stability and accuracy.
I am a huge fan of the 300 Win. It is one killing machine. My rifle is a full custom Defiance action, McMillan stock, Broughton 28" barrel, JP bake, Nightforce NXS, on a 20 moa Near base and NF rings.

My load is H-1000 under a 210 Berger Hunting VLD in Lapua brass and a Fed 215 GM primer. Velocity is 2995 fps.


Here are a few results.

Last years bull @ 803 yards.


One of the many antelope, this one was 651 yards


My longest yote to date @ 1008 yards


and my spring bear at @378 yrds


So my vote goes for the 300 Win. Pretty hard to beat in my book.

Jeff gun)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thank you for being one of the only people to answer the last few questions. Great looking rifle, and some real great trophies!
That rifle of Broz is a sweet shooting rifle, I've thought about trying to make of with it but he keeps a good eye on it :D Broz knows how to put together a rifle!!!
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