A Bit Off of the Usual Topics, but….


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2013
Winchester, Wy.

How many of us are prepared for even the slightest of power, food supply chain, or medical outages?

While certainly not likely, another solar flare similar to the Carrington Event…..could dramatically alter our lives as we know them!

For the "naysayers"….it's all bs until you're involved! 😉 memtb
We've actually been working on prepping for this and other scenarios. We've been stocking a little at a time but you won't know if it's enough until the time comes.
Some people have their heads in the sand thinking it'll never happen and I hope they are right but we're somewhat prepared if they are wrong.
We've actually been working on prepping for this and other scenarios. We've been stocking a little at a time but you won't know if it's enough until the time comes.
Some people have their heads in the sand thinking it'll never happen and I hope they are right but we're somewhat prepared if they are wrong.

Us too, should make it a couple of years…..but, pretty lean years!

We're not as prepared, electrically speaking, as we should be…..but will be OK! memtb
We talked about whole house generators on another thread. I had a Kohler 20 KW generator installed in December. I now feel more comfortable about being prepared for almost anything. My generator just sits there, ready. And it's comforting when it fires up automatically, every two weeks, for a 20 minute "exercise" run. That just tests the system, and keeps the battery charged. The technician said he will return in three years to service the unit and replace the battery.

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