7mm wsm thread


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2008
SW Montana
I guess I have decided to go the short mag route on my model 70. Looking for information on the 7 WSM before I order a barrel. Bullets in particular are 175 gr SMK’s and 168 gr Berger VLD’s.

Barrel length
Twist rate
Good loads with COAL. Magazine is 2.950”

Thanks for any input.
I am planning to shoot the Berger 180's when I get my 7WSM. I have used the Berger 180's in my .284 match rifle with exceptional results. These were the match bullets but I'm guessing the hunting bullets should fly the same. The BC'c are the same at .659.

Niceville, FL
Take a look at this if you haven't read it already. I found it very informative. I think I am sold on the 7SAUM or the straight 284 Winchester. These two calibers are easier on barrels compared to what I have read against he WSM. I am also considering 7mm-300 WSM. When you read this article you'll understand why I am throwing these at you. If barrel wear is not a concern then you would do good to go with the 7WSM.

Again from research it will push the 168 very fast and accurately.

7mm Cartridge Guide

Take a look at this if you haven't read it already. I found it very informative. I think I am sold on the 7SAUM or the straight 284 Winchester. These two calibers are easier on barrels compared to what I have read against he WSM. I am also considering 7mm-300 WSM. When you read this article you'll understand why I am throwing these at you. If barrel wear is not a concern then you would do good to go with the 7WSM.

Again from research it will push the 168 very fast and accurately.

7mm Cartridge Guide


+ 1 on the above. I am also sold on the 7mm SAUM.

JM .02
Worrying about barrel wear between 7mmSAUM, 7/300wsm and a 7mmWSM is like worrying about the barrel wear between a 338RUM and a 338EDGE.

I'm not saying that there isn't a difference, just not enough to worry about.

Now if your worry about the case necks being longer, I'd have to whole-heartedly agree.

Another issued I have with the SAUM is the brass. The only choice is Rem. WSM's, you can have Norma which is a fair bit better than Rem or Win brass.
Worrying about barrel wear between 7mmSAUM, 7/300wsm and a 7mmWSM is like worrying about the barrel wear between a 338RUM and a 338EDGE.

I'm not saying that there isn't a difference, just not enough to worry about.

Now if your worry about the case necks being longer, I'd have to whole-heartedly agree.

Another issued I have with the SAUM is the brass. The only choice is Rem. WSM's, you can have Norma which is a fair bit better than Rem or Win brass.

I would agree 100%! There is so little to choose between here that it's simply not an issue.

I shoot the 180 Bergers at 3.020, and get 2930 FPS.

If you really want great barrel life, with this caliber, look at this article:

Record-Setting .284 Win F-Classer

Speeds are very close.

IS anyone getting a 180 gr VLD to stabilize out of a 1:9.5 twist barrel? Been looking at a custom 7WSM but I want to shoot the 180 Bergers.

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