35 mm tube IOR's


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2003
south carolina
35 mm tube IOR\'s

Does anyone know when these are going to be available in the US?? I recall someone who bought a pre-production one off e-bay. They should be much better in low light than the 30mm tubes, right??
Re: 35 mm tube IOR\'s

Leupold Optics posted over on BR.com and said the main tube size only affects the number of clicks available--only the size of the objective (and coatings)determines the light getting in/thru.

Re: 35 mm tube IOR\'s

I was really wondering when the 4x16 or 6x20 with 35mm tubes were coming out and if the were going to have 56mm or 50mm obj.
Re: 35 mm tube IOR\'s

The last I heard was late fall. So that means about......March???
I'll be talking to IOR in the next couple days, I'll pump him for info.

Re: 35 mm tube IOR\'s

Ok here's the scoop. 9-36x56 35mm tube, due out about March to April. Price has not been set yet. He just got in a sample to look over and he said it is simply awsome. It is about the same length as the 6-24x50.

The 6-24x50 with illuminated reticle should be in about Feb.

He also just got in the 1.1-4x26 with the CQB reticle and the 4A second focal plan with illuminated red dot.

I don't know about you all but I can't wait to see that 9-36x56.


[ 11-11-2003: Message edited by: Q-Optics ]
Re: 35 mm tube IOR\'s

Jim, if you get a chance can you peer into Pandora's box and maybe get a few answers?

Has IOR improved their customer service in regards to any warranty issues? I've found a new board with a wealth of information and the general consensus is that people are staying away from the scopes because of the warranty issues if any that might occur. BTW: I have one IOR and am hesitating on puchasing another as it is a somewhat large chunk of change...
Re: 35 mm tube IOR\'s

I understand your hesitation. I'll tell you this. IOR is working hard to improve that aspect of the business. All the sales, PR work, trade shows, shipping, answering phones and warrany issue are handled by one man. He works hard and is dedicated to the products and the consumers. In the past the only way he had to take care of any small problem was to replace the scope. He was not able to do any repair work. You can see how that could get very expensive for him. He is very close to being able to repair products now. He is just waiting for a couple pieces of equipment and he be set.

I wouldn't worry about having a scope blow up on you and not getting it replaced. He will take care of any legitamate problem with no questions asked.

Re: 35 mm tube IOR\'s


I think I've experienced some of those warranty issues with IOR. And yes, I went through some stressful times trying to get my scope fixed or replaced.

Jim Malony at Q-Optics intervened and began to look into the issues I had with my scope. I met Jim while on a business trip in KC a few weeks back. Jim talked to Valentine who heads up the US operations about my scope. I’m not sure what transpired between Jim and Valentine, but Jim notified me a few days later that Valentine agreed to replace my scope. I called Valentine to get the shipping information and he apologized for all my issues I had with my scope. After talking with him about his product line, I decided to change/upgrade my 2.5-10X44 mm illuminated tactical scope that I was returning for their Tactical fixed 10X with the side focus. This presented no problems for Valentine and he was happy to make the change.

I’ve been on business out of town all this week and I should have the new scope by the time I return home on Friday. Can’t wait for the big brown truck to show up.

I will say all of my rifles have leupold scopes on them. My original IOR scope beat the leuy hands down in the optics category. It is a night and day difference. I doubt I’ll ever experience or anyone else will experience customer service issues I experienced in the past. As Jim said, they are a small operation and they are learning as they go and sometimes it’s by making mistakes. As with any company they are not perfect and will make mistakes. But, in the end they stood behind their product and I’ll continue to purchase their scopes. I’m getting twice the scope for hundreds of dollars less than leuy’s I‘ve purchased in the past.

For my hard earned dollars, I going with IOR scopes.
Re: 35 mm tube IOR\'s

I had an issue with my 4-14x50 tactical, contacted Valdada and he replaced the scope no questions asked. 10 day turn excellent service.
Re: 35 mm tube IOR\'s

Just some FYI on my 6-24x50 Tactical MP-8 scope with side focus. The W&E adjustments are steel on steel, a steel spring loaded ball that catches the grooves on the drum. This is great because the wear possibility is minimalized and durability is increased.

I found this out after I indexed my knobs to read 0 at my 100 yard zero. By design a 1/2moa drum can be easily installed in place of the 1/4moa drum... Maybe a future option?
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