My own experience with target barrels mirrors what Greyfox says, 1500 rounds with 200-230gr bullets is easy to obtain, I've had barrels last to 2000 round count with good accuracy, but, I've also had barrels give up at 1200 rounds. Accuracy would have been adequate for hunting, but not for targer shooting.
Just for point of reference, those barrels that didn't last were cleaned after every match, they never saw a bronze brush and had very little copper solvent put down them, most of my cleaning involved carbon removal with nylon brushes and cloth patches. Nonetheless, I believe this amount of cleaning is unnecessary and actually hurts barrel life, these days I do not clean until groups open, which in most of my barrels is around 200-300 rounds and all they get is a cloth patch and carbon solvent. I may clean copper, if it's blatantly obvious, at around 400 rounds down and onky ever use nylon brushes and cloth patches.