230gr VLD LAZZERONI 7.82(.308)Warbird®


Official LRH Sponsor
Nov 26, 2011
Tucson AZ
Finally got some reloader 33 and the Berger 230gr Hybrid Tactical bullets and went to work.

data below is with Fed 215M primer and the bullet seated up against the lands at an OAL of 3.705", with stock factory Lazzeroni chamber & throat dimensions, 28" 10 twist poly barrel.

((Please do not EVER load the Lazz Warbird cartridge over 66,900 PSI))

97gr ----- 3,066 fps --- 62,400 PSI
100gr ---- 3,184 fps --- 66,500 PSI
103gr ---- 3,267 fps --- 76,800 PSI
106gr ---- 3,368 fps --- 89,000 PSI --- Primer Perf, Proof Pressure

Targets and rifle photo below ,,,,,,


  • 7.82Warbird300Y-TargetsSmSz12-03-2013.jpg
    63.2 KB · Views: 311
  • L2012024--LazzCal7-82-WarbirdSmSz.jpg
    87.1 KB · Views: 250
Now things are interesting! That 230 gr Berger would bring a whole lot of smack down to and elk, I've been considering a 30 cal to launch the 230 Berger and gotta put the Warbird in the mix now!!
John, what are your final thoughts for today's tests? I know you are just getting started testing with the big heavies, but so far, I think it looks promising. Looks like the Berger 230 Hybrid actually shot a slightly smaller group than the 180 Sierra...

I would love to see what the 230 could do with some H50BMG, H1000, Norma MRP, or 7828 SSC. :D

Keep up the good work and let us know! I'd also love to see what the 210 VLD's would do.
Mudrunner ,,,,,

I agree, I really like a hunting load when it shoots sub one inch 3-shot groups at 300 yards, like I did 2 weeks ago with the Lazz 9.53 Saturn and the 350gr Matchking, NP3 coated,,,,

but first I needed to get the "bragging rights" speed issue out of the way, with the Berger 230gr, especially on this board ,, LOL ,,,,,,

I am going to shoot the load the way it is now at 1,000 yards on the morning of December 14th, right after I shoot the big Saturn at 1,000Y ,,,,,,

THEN, I am going to purchase a 1000 or so of the Berger 230gr bullets, and have them NP3 coated, switch to IMR-7828 powder instead of reloader 33, reduce the speed just a little, and see if I can shrink the 300 yard group below an inch ,,,,,,

what I like most of all is that way back in 1995 I had the foresight (BLIND LUCK) to have designed all of the Lazzeroni cartridge chamber throats so that I can seat all of these long VLD bullets, up against the barrel lands, and still get 3 of them down into the mag box, of the standard Lazzeroni model 2012 rifle ,,,,,

now we have the best of both worlds ,,,,,
Awesome! I look forward to hearing your findings. Keep me updated. Also, don't gorget about the 215 Hybrids, for the folks might want a little but more speed.

Also, I can't wait to see expansion tests (gel) and wet newspaper tests to see how that Hybrid is doing in the Warbird.
What is the case capacity, in water grains, of a Lazzeroni 7.82 Warbird? QL shows it as being 121.5 water grains, is this accurate?
Awesome...........see we told ya there is somethin there, you outta be able to tune that in to well within 1/2 moa. My only question is where did ya get the 230 bergers, been lookin along time now and notta, I cant seem to find any...
John, with your case capacity you are likely looking at better performance with rl50 than rl33 with heavies like the 230 berger. I was running rl50 with the 225 hornady hpbt last year in my 30 rum and it took 102 grains to get 2980 fps from it with a 26" factory bbl.. I'm getting the same performance at 95 grains rl33 with the rifle now; I switched as I was at rather high powder compression with rl50. Both loads are 1/2 to 2/3 moa in my rifle and were actually rather mild.
Awesome...........see we told ya there is somethin there, you outta be able to tune that in to well within 1/2 moa. My only question is where did ya get the 230 bergers, been lookin along time now and notta, I cant seem to find any...
Business to business most likely takes priority over business to consumer. Especially when Berger could be looking at a potential contract with John for using their bullets in his factory loaded ammo. Big $$$$. :cool:

So, you have to understand the ways of the business world.

It's not fair, and most often times seems like BS to the individual consumer (like you and I), but that's how the business world works, so there's no point in complaining about it, or getting riled up or upset over it.

I've talked with Ryan Neal over at Berger on several occasions over the last year and he said they are steadily pumping out as many bullets as they can, trying to get the market back to normal.

I've been waiting on some 7mm 180 Hybrids for quite a while now. And when I see them, I'll be buying 10 boxes of them, so this crap doesn't happen to me again.
Business to business most likely takes priority over business to consumer. Especially when Berger could be looking at a potential contract with John for using their bullets in his factory loaded ammo. Big $$$$. :cool:

So, you have to understand the ways of the business world.

It's not fair, and most often times seems like BS to the individual consumer (like you and I), but that's how the business world works, so there's no point in complaining about it, or getting riled up or upset over it.

I've talked with Ryan Neal over at Berger on several occasions over the last year and he said they are steadily pumping out as many bullets as they can, trying to get the market back to normal.

I've been waiting on some 7mm 180 Hybrids for quite a while now. And when I see them, I'll be buying 10 boxes of them, so this crap doesn't happen to me again.

I know man.......sent ya a pm.
B23 ,,,,,,

that is a very good question, I have not actually measured the water capacity of the Warbird case since the 90s, but if my memory is correct, it is close to 129gr of water, does that sound right ?

Idaho Redneck ,,,,,,

I agree ,,, we already have it at 1/2 MOA out of the very first load I tried ,,,,,, as for the 230 bergers ? well, I got a box this past spring right from Berger, but have not tried to purchase anymore lately ,,,,

I will see how they shoot at 1,000Y on Dec 14th, and then I may have to go hunting for more ,,,,,

Lefty ,,,,,

you may be right, I might also be able to use a powder like VV 24N41, but I am not a real big fan of superslow powders, especially for hunting ,,,,

Just for your info, reloader 33 seems to be very dense compared to other slow powders ,,, I was able to pour 118 gr of reloader 33 into the Warbird case and it was still only at the bottom of the neck inside ,,,, I don't believe I could ever get that much reloader 25 into the Warbird case ,,,,

Derek ,,,,,

certainly Retumbo will work, reloader 25, IMR-7828 and reloader 50, H50BMG etc ,,,, but for HUNTING in all expected temperatures, from -20F to +95F, the faster the powder, the less the velocity will change moving from one temperature extreme to the other ,,,,,
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