22 250 vs 243 advice.

I have always preferred 243 over 22-250, but I am in the US. Both are accurate and depending on twist rate in both cartridges depends on bullet weight. The 22-250 will do less pelt damage depending on bullet construction. I would take a 243 in 1:10 twist for 70 to 85 grain bullets. As said in many posts if you want to shoot the heavier bullets in 243 would require 1:8 or 1:9. As far as 22-250 I prefer 1:12 twist. If you reload then either cartridge can have loads developed to do the job on a fox. IMO there is no replacement for displacements the extra that the 243 provides wins hands down.
Tikka T3x 22-250 fast twist (1:8) Barnes 62g TTSX , 40g Super performer @+- 3700 fps. Texas Prairie dogs, Hogs antelope and deer, very effective out to 500 yds still running 2200fps...! Under 1 moa accuracy as well.
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