210 Berger VLD vs 208 A-Max in 300 RUM


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2007
I have taken deer and an elk with the 210 Berger from my 300 RUM Sendero with great results out to 700 yards. After screwing a new Douglas 28" custom barrel on the Sendero recently I have discovered that the Bergers don't shoot an acceptable group until I begin to see pressure signs on the brass (ejector marks). I recently tried the 208 gr. A-Max's and have found a load that shoots extremely accurate (1/2 MOA and better) but am wondering how it will perform on deer size game up to elk and black bear size game.
Has anyone any experience (good or bad) with the A-Max's?
Thanks in advance for your response!
I am currently doing research for long range hunting with the A-max in my 308.

What I have confirmed through publication only ( have not taken deer with Amax yet) is that the Amax performs similar to the Berger VLD at SUB 2000 FPS velocity.

That means something different to you than I does me as Im shooting under 2800 FPS at the muzzle and I assume your much higher with you RUM.

Reports of close range Amax on deer are negative and say that at the close range velocity causes the bullet to "fragment violently" and not penetrate like a hunting bullet........we all know the Amax is not a hunting bullet.

I have also read the exact same description for the Hornady SST and I have put those through deer from 80yds to 397 yds with complete passthrough, and the ones past 300 yds have exit wounds similar size to the entry wounds.
SO just because someone else "did it wrong" doesn't mean you can't do it right, after research.

My personal conclusion is complete Bullet pass through is a WASTE of energy. I want my bullet to penetrate into the diaphram, (3" aprox)then fragment, shred, cause massive vascular trama, and cause nervous system shock leading to targets death ASAP. I could care less about grandpa's super important "blood trail" when the deer dies where I shot it.

My SST's print through the same hole as my Amax at 100yds and within 4 " at 300yds.

My intentions are to collect drop data for long range with my 178gr Amax and carry them at the ready in my magazine while my rifle is loaded with the SST's in the chamber in case I jump one close and need to fire quickly. If I spot a deer in excess of 300yds I will then cycle the bolt and have the Amax ready to go, dial in my adjustments and send one out there.

Of course once I shoot a deer with the Amax I will post the results.
I request you please do the same and lets put this whole "can't use Amax for hunting" thing to rest......... Enjoy.

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I was an A-max hater for years. Right now my 300RUM load is a 208gr amax. My 7mag load is a 162 A-max. I have seen the A-max cause an awful lot of dirt naps. It changed my mind. Ive seen critters from 200-900yds hit with an A-max. Lots of coues, a big bear 300+ and the biggest bodied elk Ive seen on the ground. The elk never took a step @ 300. Never seen an animal get away. The bear made it about 45yds falling down hill, That's the farthest Ive seen something go.
I have shot elk with the 208 A max. I would not recommend this bullet for elk or moose. I shot my bull elk at 200 yards. Had to shoot him 5 times to bring him down. I was shooting the 208 amax at 3325 fps. Bullet instantly exploded not much penetration. Reminded me of a nosler b-tip bullet. I think this bullet would be fine for a thinner skinned animal such as a white tail or analope. It does a number on ground hogs. I would recommend the 240smk 210 smk or 210 burger hunting bullet.
I was an A-max hater for years. Right now my 300RUM load is a 208gr amax. My 7mag load is a 162 A-max. I have seen the A-max cause an awful lot of dirt naps. It changed my mind. Ive seen critters from 200-900yds hit with an A-max. Lots of coues, a big bear 300+ and the biggest bodied elk Ive seen on the ground. The elk never took a step @ 300. Never seen an animal get away. The bear made it about 45yds falling down hill, That's the farthest Ive seen something go.

Awesome encouragment. Thanks!
The A-Max bullets kill deer size game like lightening in my experience. I would not use the A-Max for shooting tougher animals like elk and moose when there are so many bullets available that are better suited for these big animals.

By the way - Hornady did recommend the A-Max for hunting thin skinned game. Not sure if they still do or not but their loading manual may indicate how they currently view this application of the A-Max bullet.
Close up say 100 to 300 shoot soming els say a 200 accubond. then go with A-MAX OR BERGER 210. When you get down in fps way out there the accubond will not open up the A-MAX OR BERGER will hammer them. If you are hunting close then stay with accubond.
For what its worth I was shooting some 208gr A-Max bullets at a steel plate 3/8ths inch thick at 400 yards and they just drilled right through the plate, I was very much impressed.
I appreciate all your responses with your experiences using with the A-Max bullet. I have taken several whitetail with the Nosler 150 gr. BT from my 7Mag and they have all fell DRT. I fell the 208 grain A-Max will do the same with more wallop.
However,I would like to be able to use the A-Max's for elk and bear without having to change loads/bullets but still am uncertain if I should try that after hearing the mixed reviews. Maybe use the 210 Berger for the elk and bears and stick to the A-Max's for the whitetails??
Anyone else have any experiences with the 208 grain A-Max's from the 300 RUM?
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