Josh Young

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2017
I had the chance of of testing out these in my 300 WM today. Shot great. Now to load more and try them out to 500 and 800 yds.These were at 100 yds trying different charges.
Very nice! This looks to be a pretty mild load still? We are running 7828 in a couple of our personal 300wm's and getting a bit over 3100fps. 26" factory rem. Not that anything will notice the 100fps!

Very nice! This looks to be a pretty mild load still? We are running 7828 in a couple of our personal 300wm's and getting a bit over 3100fps. 26" factory rem. Not that anything will notice the 100fps!

I’m sure I can probably get more out of it with a different powder. I went up to 76.5 but the groups started to open up and got a sticky bolt. I’m running a 24” Hart barrel. This will definitely do for our California deer season. I’ll try some different powders after season ends. Just running out of time.
I understand that! Seems like I am always in a hurry to get my own stuff ready to go.

Look forward to your report on deer.

I understand that! Seems like I am always in a hurry to get my own stuff ready to go.

Look forward to your report on deer.

Seems like we always wait till the last minute lol. Thankfully they were super easy to dial in. Loaded .040 off and that was it. I’ll definitely report back after season.
i started with H-1000 and switched to the 7828ssc and it was a good move for me. averaging 3150 there was more but the group opened up when i was getting an ejector mark.
I just loaded some up last night in my 300 wby with Rl26. Cant wait to get to the range and see how they shoot.
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