1296 yd PD with 6BR


New Member
May 12, 2012
All I see in this forum is 338! I used my little old 6BR to shoot prairie dogs at 1059 and 1296 yards in Wyoming a couple weeks ago. Ernie Bishop (of 1500 Yard Prairie Dogs fame) was there shooting with me. He's one of the LRH authors and an all around great guy!


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Just shy of 1300 yards is a heck of a shot on that small of a critter=good going! Haveing Ernie as a spotter had to have been a big help.
Hard not to love that chubby little 6br, that round is capable of more than many folks think..I can honestly say that I'll have one in my safe as long as im walking around on this planet. gun)
Nice shooting those are two shots to be proud of for sure. Congrats! I have shot my 6br to 1000 and it always impresses me. But for the mile plus stuff I will stick with my 338..:D

So if you don't mind what bullet were you sending? and what twist?

Mine sure likes the 107 SMK from it's 8 twist Kreiger.

I can't believe there's enough ummpphhh left in that little 6BR to still kill a PD at that distance! Did you figure the ft. lbs. of energy at distance and make sure it was enough for a clean kill? If you'd been off a couple of inches, a .338 still would've finished the job, you know! :D:D Just kiddin'! :D:D Sorry, couldn't resist. :D:D

Nice shootin'! Good for you guys! I wish I lived somewhere where I could do that...
I have a ball doing that! That was my 5th trip to Wyoming and I've extended my kill distance each time. It still amazes me that it could even be done, but reading articles like the one Ernie wrote convinced me that it was possible. That was all the encouragement I needed!

The gun is one I built myself. It is a BAT MB action with a Bartlein 5R, 8 twist 30" barrel. I was shooting 31 grains of Varget out of a Lapua case with a turned neck and a 105 Berger hybrid.

I could not find a hole in the dog I killed at 1059 yards. I think I actually hit the ground right in front of it and the bullet bounced up and hit it in the ribcage sideways. The ribcage was obviously broken up. The one at 1296 yards was hit in the head and just fell over and kicked right where it stood.

Ernie found a bullet on one mound I had been shooting at and it had the barest minimum of damage to the meplat. He told me on the two way radio when he found it that I could load it up and shoot it again. It was that perfect. Just goes to show how little energy they do have after going that far. That may be why so many of them still run down the holes after being rolled over by a shot. I rolled another one at 1200+ but it got up and went down the hole. Ernie rolled one or two with my gun at that distance. He complimented me on how well it was shooting.

Perusing the long distance clubs on the Varmint Hunter's Association made me wonder how many of those people had shot coyotes or big chucks to get their long range badge. Not to detract from that at all, but a PD is a bunch smaller! A friend of mine killed a dog last year at 1071 yards with the gun I built for him (BAT MB, Krieger 8 twist and 105g Amax). It was his first time at over 500 yards and he got it in less than 30 shots (4th shot on that dog) and it was a pup the size of a chipmunk!

Ernie taught me a lot. The most important thing I learned from him was to pick the right conditions for those long shots by going early in the morning or right before dusk. That's when the wind and mirage are at their least. Dogs we couln't even see the day before through my 50X Schmidt and Bender were sharp and clear in the still of the morning when I made the long shot. It's a numbers game, and when you get the scope adjusted and hold right on him and one shot goes just over his back and the next shot with the same hold is just low, you know it's only a few shots away until one goes in the middle. Even at that distance the sonic boom will spook them after a few shots, so you have to compensate for range every time you move to a new target. I finally got one that stayed put at 1296 yards and nailed him on about the tenth shot. I nailed the one at 1059 yards on the 4th shot.

I shoot a 30BR barrel on that same gun in score matches during the summer and it won a LOT this year. The only remaining question now is; do I want to do a third barrel for this switch-barrel rig in .284 and go for that mile shot! I have all winter to decide.
Great Shooting!
I spend a lot more time and money shooting prairie dogs and marmots than I do anything else. Longest PD is 683 with a 22-250, and I got a couple marmots this year over 1100. Marmots are down for the year now, so I'll be spending time in Utah shooting PD's this winter hoping to break the 1320 yard mark with my LR 7 Rem mag.
I plan to have that 22-250 rebarreled next year and had been thinking a fast twist .243. Looks like that 6BR needs a look.
Great Shooting!
I spend a lot more time and money shooting prairie dogs and marmots than I do anything else. Longest PD is 683 with a 22-250, and I got a couple marmots this year over 1100. Marmots are down for the year now, so I'll be spending time in Utah shooting PD's this winter hoping to break the 1320 yard mark with my LR 7 Rem mag.
I plan to have that 22-250 rebarreled next year and had been thinking a fast twist .243. Looks like that 6BR needs a look.

I started my varmint hunting with a fast twist .243. It was a great shooter, but when the barrel got burned out I went with the 6BR. Why? Compare the velocity of a 105 grain bullet from each. They go literally the same speed, but the 6BR does it with 30% less powder and a lot less recoil.
I started my varmint hunting with a fast twist .243. It was a great shooter, but when the barrel got burned out I went with the 6BR. Why? Compare the velocity of a 105 grain bullet from each. They go literally the same speed, but the 6BR does it with 30% less powder and a lot less recoil.

Thats exactly what makes it so special....cheaper to run, less recoil, superb inherent accuracy, minimal recoil, great ballistics, long barrel life.
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