Lead Poisoning

This is the same mentality that leads to two 16" long warning labels on each side of a $10.00 box fan at Walmart. Lol
Saw a post a while back about cars that summed it up:

"50 years ago the owners manual talked about how to adjust the valves…today it warns people not to drink the contents of the battery"
So if we go full on science….
I imagine the majority of the fruit loops pushing agendas against life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, believe we evolved from a single bacteria after the Big Bang left an inhabitable planet.
If that's true, and all life evolved from a single bacteria, undoubtedly the birds can evolve to be more lead tolerant.
So if we go full on science….
I imagine the majority of the fruit loops pushing agendas against life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, believe we evolved from a single bacteria after the Big Bang left an inhabitable planet.
If that's true, and all life evolved from a single bacteria, undoubtedly the birds can evolve to be more lead tolerant.
The thing that most often undermines modern science is when they stray from Judeo-Christian principles and assume premises based on faulty/false presuppositions. That's unfortunate - all the humanism. I get where you all are coming from, but I just digress from going full BS on science because it does offer some objective analysis and discovery that is beneficial for sure.
Yep, that's what I was talking about. 🙂 But since we don't subscribe to that evolutionary theory, we try to be responsible where we can because we understand the fallacies and limits of "evolution" to solve problems. FWIW - from my perspective, it seems to me that the days of this earth are numbered - not so much by man's lack of caring for it, but because mankind has rejected God and corrupted His creation to the point He is about to hit the end button. On the other hand, He has made us stewards. We will need to give an account for that too. Let's be reasonable. I know that's pretty much a wide perspective value. 🙂
Yep, that's what I was talking about. 🙂 But since we don't subscribe to that evolutionary theory, we try to be responsible where we can because we understand the fallacies and limits of "evolution" to solve problems. FWIW - from my perspective, it seems to me that the days of this earth are numbered - not so much by man's lack of caring for it, but because mankind has rejected God and corrupted His creation to the point He is about to hit the end button. On the other hand, He has made us stewards. We will need to give an account for that too. Let's be reasonable. I know that's pretty much a wide perspective value. 🙂
FWIW - from my perspective, it seems to me that the days of this earth are numbered - not so much by man's lack of caring for it, but because mankind has rejected God and corrupted His creation to the point He is about to hit the end button. On the other hand, He has made us stewards. We will need to give an account for that too. Let's be reasonable. I know that's pretty much a wide perspective value. 🙂
Ding ding ding ding.
There's a mouth full of truth right there.
Yep, that's what I was talking about. 🙂 But since we don't subscribe to that evolutionary theory, we try to be responsible where we can because we understand the fallacies and limits of "evolution" to solve problems. FWIW - from my perspective, it seems to me that the days of this earth are numbered - not so much by man's lack of caring for it, but because mankind has rejected God and corrupted His creation to the point He is about to hit the end button. On the other hand, He has made us stewards. We will need to give an account for that too. Let's be reasonable. I know that's pretty much a wide perspective value. 🙂
And we can close this thread on this right here.
So if we go full on science….
I imagine the majority of the fruit loops pushing agendas against life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, believe we evolved from a single bacteria after the Big Bang left an inhabitable planet.
If that's true, and all life evolved from a single bacteria, undoubtedly the birds can evolve to be more lead tolerant.
Evolution generally takes more that a few generations.
It seem there is many of the same chattering class or peanut gallery here in this thread that have many times before thought "We got Steve and Hammer Bullets this time". Now it seems that "Oh my God, Hammer Bullets care about eagles and the environment. Can you believe that? We got him this time!". Are you people nuts? A few individuals in this thread are painting the entire hunting community as a bunch of jug heads that don't give a **** about anything that has a thing to do with environment. Good grief guys, don't let your hatred of Hammer Bullets and me make you look like knuckle draggers that only care about getting their next beer and killing anything that walks.

And for whoever the ding dong was that said I am like the split tale with a dick, that was a low blow. I quit Budweiser when they openly campaigned against Trump.

I wrote this for one of the other threads. Posting it here before this one get shut down.
Screw it I'll get rid of my Jeep and the new 33" mudders I just got yesterday. Trade it in for a Prius and some Birkenstocks. Give up eating meat except for that plant based stuff. And smoke pot since Oregon it's legal. I'm sure everything will be alright after that.
Not to hijack this wonderfully insightful thread, but isn't beef and most wild game plant based? Not to totally let you off the hook, I still think you need a Prius and Birkenstocks....and perhaps a dab of patchouli oil for good measure!
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I don't hate Steve or Hammer Bullets. I don't see any advantage to using them over cup and core, other than to follow a ban. And the premise of the video was to stop using lead bullets before they take away our rights to use them. I've seen this angle before. And it leads to banning or making any item too cost prohibitive. And they'll use science or incomplete science to fit their agenda.
I don't hate Steve or Hammer Bullets. I don't see any advantage to using them over cup and core, other than to follow a ban. And the premise of the video was to stop using lead bullets before they take away our rights to use them. I've seen this angle before. And it leads to banning or making any item too cost prohibitive. And they'll use science or incomplete science to fit their agenda.
Well, I hate to break it to you - there are some advantages to both sides of the coin on this one. The copper guys are working hard at solving the puzzle to even out the shortcomings. Innovation isn't always a bad thing. Guessing you aren't using cast bullets in your long-range rig? Some of us just don't like change and that's not all bad either.🤠

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